Health problems...

Now we all know it's bound to happen every one in a while, your rabbit gets a minor health 
problem. Here you'll find 12 problems and treatments. If you have anything to sdd, feal free 
to drop me a line(
) Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Condition Signs Cause Treatment Weepy Eye Matted fur around the infections, or blocked eye drops containing boric eye; discharge from tear duct; common in acid(found at most pet stores) the eye. large headed breeds. Snuffles persistent sneezing stress and or drafts. broad spectrum. water souluble with nasal discharge or injectable antibiotics. Enteritis diarrhea; belly may mouldy food or hay, reduce stress; feed high fiber be swollen viral infection, or diet(straw); feed a small amount variouse other reasons of dry oatmeal, and keep it clean Diarrhea in diarrhea after eating overeating; their diet no "extras". cut back on pellets babies must be too rich feed small amount of dry oatmeal Red Urine urine is reddish color hay, straw and oats can if a rabbit has recently had any but there are no blood cause this in some straw, hay or oats, do nothing clots rabbits