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More Links for What You Ask?

Of Course!


There's some good links here for info about cat breeds, general cat information, and health issues. Also I've found some great sites if you're looking for cat graphics, background sets, free kitty e-cards and other fun sites. Feel free to take a look around and enjoy what I've found.


Declawing Cat Issues - This site covers some good issues about declawing your cat. It's so wrong to do.

Animal Friends On-Line - A fantastic site with lots of health info, a shelter to adopt a cat and more. A site worth the visit...

Cat Fancy - Here there's a newsline, feline finder, library, a store...

Soft Paws - Non-surgical nail-caps for cat claws as an alternative to declawing...

Cornell Feline Health Center - A known and helpful site. Info such as feeding, special needs for older cats, infectious deseases & medical disorders. Very useful.

The Cat Consultant - A wonderful site to get answers to many cat related questions and health concerns.

The Pet'escue Network - This is a great site with a network for missing pets, an advice column, cat & dog info, medical info, plus many more things of interest.

Veterinary Information for Cat Owners - This site has an extensive database for everything and anything to do with cat health and behaviour problems, as well as a searchable encyclopedia.

The Diabetes Monitor  If you have a pets with diabetes, this site has lots of links to information sites.

Feline Diabetes Website  This site is a wonderful source for information about diabetes in cats. It provides introductory information about the disease and its treatment, along with a bulletin board for questions, extensive links, a photo gallery, and the "Diary of a Diabetic Cat. This is a very helpful site.

PlanetUrine - A very informative site which deals with litterbox topics. Everything from the training, cleaning and location to spraying and other problems...

The PET Channel - This site has things from info on health, training, finding the right pet, to pet horoscopes, chat, news and fun things for children...

PetNet - Cat Lovers Page - Cat lifestyles, a quiz, health tips, and even a section to help you choose the right type of cat for your lifestyle.

The Virtual Pet Cemetery - This is a wonderful place to put a picture and epitaph in memory of your dear, departed pet

PetEducation.Com - A comprehensive site by veterinary experts for the welfare of pets, with numerous articles on health-care. Complete with a vet dictionary, info on nutrition, diseases, grooming, training, even a pet-loss hotline to help deal with grieving and much more.
Pet Education.gif


Acme Pets -Pet care, behavior, breeds; e-cards; can even submit you cats photo to put on the web.

Cat Faeries - Pretty things as well as healthy things for cats and the people who love them.

Pet Pride - For nice poems, stories and comments and how you can help check this site out.

Miss Kitty's Cat Humor Pages - A must read site for cat humor. Too many to list but it's great.

Cat Howls - Fun cat humor including "The Cat Users Manual", "Does Your Cat Own You?", and much more.

The History of the Domestic Cat - A site with interesting facts,as well as a store to order cat toys.

Cat Breeds - This site tells you all about the different cat breeds.

The Amethyst Cat Association - A Friendly Cat Club for the English Midlands and the World: a lovely site with beautiful cat photos, a poem of the month, info on cat shows and membership.


Cats Eye View - A wonderful site with great graphics, myths, legends, cat poetry, postcards and more...

Kat's Web Designs  There's some very sweet cat background sets here..

Cats'n'Kittens - Another great site withcat graphics, background sets, etc..

Christine's Creations  Very pretty victorian cat background sets...

Cat Lovers - Lots of great free graphics, background sets, an information library, postcards, and much, more...PLUS - Are YOU a responsible cat lover? Go there, take the test and find out. Get this banner if you are!!!!


Travel Needs..

Affordable Travel - A great place to go for all your travel needs. One stop does it all, as you can book your holiday plans & arrangements all right here...



Easy Site Navigating...

Niala Web Graphics

Updated April 2000
Saffire's "House of Cats". © May 1999.