


Hi everyone! I had to add an update to this page cause we had email problems. I have a really cool award to give to all pets who I concider heros and I want to ask if you are or you know of a pet who is a Hero? If so, then apply for my "Champion Award".


The problem I had was that for some reason me and mom couldn't access my email to check if anyone has applied for my award. In the end I had to sign up for another email, so anyone who has applied to my old email I can't get to it. I have the link to my new email all linked, so if anyone hasn't heard from me this is the reason, and should try to apply again at this new one. I'm real sorry if this has caused any problems.


This award isn't given to everybody. It's only given to those special pets who have been hurt or had a serious injury by the hands of a cruel person like me, and survived to tell their tale on a web page like I have.

Sample Award.jpg


So if you are or if you know of a brave pet who deserves my award, send me an email. Soon after I receive it my mom and I will visit your page and if you are deserving of this award I will personally email you my award shortly after.


The only requirements that I ask are:

  • You have to have a pet-related site.
  • It's a bonus to have at least one page or banner about helping stop animal abuse, or the importance of spaying/neutering pets on it.
  • Good idea if site deals with animal-related issues such as abuse, spay/neuter, etc.
  • Must have nice design and be easily navigatable.
  • Proper credit must be given.
  • You can get brownie points by signing my our guestbook.
  • Extra points for being a kitty like me. ^..^


Come on HERO PETS, Where Are You?
Let's get the word out NOW and unite!


To apply for my "Champion Award",
please email me here and tell me:

  • Your Name and pet's name
  • Full URL of the hero pet's site
  • Name of your site
  • A little about your site
  • Your Email Address
  • A description of what happened to make you a hero
  • Tell me how you found my award

Easy Site Navigation...

Niala Web Graphics
The beautiful background set.

Updated October, 1999.
Shadow's "Champion Award" is a part of Saffire's "House of Cats" © May 1999..