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Use and/or viewing of this site indicates that you, as the viewer, will also comply with current United States of America copyright laws and not steal, reproduce, copy, or modify in any electronic, written, or other method possible, any text, graphics, and/or content of this site without express written permission of Olympus Web Solutions.  Use of this site also indicates you will not hold Olympus Web Solutions or Starfleet Simulations Online., its members, staff, or operators liable of any damages arising from viewing this site.

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Graphics on this Website were created by Julie McMahon/Helms, an employee of Olympus Web Solutions for the express purpose of display on this Website and are copyright of Olympus Web Solutions.  All graphics not created by Julie McMahon/Helms (ship images. etc.) are copyright of their respective copyright holders.  Use of graphics, scripts, and or coding of this site without the express permission and without documentation (accreditation) in whatever medium they are posted to and/or used by is a Federal Offense under the copyright laws of The United States of America. For questions regarding usage of any image, script, coding, or intellectual property contained within the Starfleet Simulations Online, please contact the webmaster

SSO Member Sims

The   plotlines, development of, and continuation of such in each of the SSO member simulations are the personal copyright of the Captain of each aforementioned simulation, and use of characters, both active and past, require the permission of these individuals   to use. If you wish to include any of the characters, locations, or plotline development contained within any of the SSO member simulations, please contact the webmaster

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Starfleet Simulations Online  is a fan club organization, organized to bring together those who have a love and respect for the Star Trek Universe created by the late Gene Roddenbury. Star Trek and all its associated tangible and intangible possessions are copyright of their respective copyright holders.  We intend no copyright infringement and have copyrighted all appropriate images where necessary. For further information, and/or problems with this site - please contact the webmaster - who will attempt to accommodate your concerns if at all possible

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All images containing the Microsoft Internet Explorer Product and Other copyright property of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA and are used as either reference to or as a link to their products and/or services.  Treve Inc does not claim to be supported by, and/or a retailer/producer of Microsoft Products. Please contact the webmaster to discuss any problems or concerns.

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