Inspiring books from America's top authors

You want happiness and confidence. You want success. On this page you'll find links to books from some of America's most popular authors. These books will inspire you! Regenerate tired minds. Offer insights. From them to you. Enjoy.

The Best of The Best!

Make The Connection
If Bob Greene could inspire Oprah Winfrey, you KNOW he can inspire you!
Spontaneous Healing
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., on the power of your emotions when it comes to healing the body.
Conversations With God
Neale Donald Walsch's perspectives on life, and the need to be true to yourself.
The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude
Sarah Ban Breathnach's advice on being happy. Her premise is that you already have all you need to be happy - all you need is the awareness of what you have.
The Gift of Fear
Gavin de Becker on using your intuition, among other things.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - And It's All Small Stuff!
Richard Carlson, Ph.D., gives excellent advice on handling stress!
Success Is a Choice
Rick Pitino's encouragement on being positive!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
Family enrichment from cover to cover. Stephen R. Covey's ideas on developing and maintaining family closeness.
Giving The Love That Heals
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Helen Hunt, M.A.,M.L.A., give you their expertise on parenting.
The Millionaire Next Door
Thomas Stanley,Ph.D., and William Danko,Ph.D. will surprise you as they show you the ways that millionaires become and remain that way. You might even become one if you follow their advice.

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