Wow! So now I'm at least updating once a year. That's good, right? More of you have joined our MySpace page so that's great. It's fun- please come join us! RHS1991. Go get yourself a MySpace (it's SO easy and FUN!) and get updated on what's going on with everyone. You'll find people on there you haven't seen in years and probably make some new friends along the way.
So much has been going on here in Vega. Joshua had his 2 year check-up from his brain surgery. It went really well and the doc said he doesn't need to see him for two years! That's a huge milestone. He'll be starting Pre-K in the fall at Blue Ridge Elementary. So far, he's right on schedule and has no delays or side effects from everything he's been through. It's just amazing! God is good!
Blue Ridge Elementary is in Blue Ridge, not Vega. That's right- we're moving! We'll be just north of McKinney where Jason's family lives. I'll be teaching science at Blue Ridge High School where Jason graduated. We're pretty excited to say the least. We have been so far from family and friends for such a long time! Vega has been a great place to live, work, and raise our kids, but it's just time to go "home".
I forgot to upload some pics last time- of Heather's new baby and of Tony Castillo's family. I put them on MySpace but not here! Sorry!! I'm working on a new photo album thing: New Album. Let me know what you think. I edit all my stuff in HTML so it's hard for me to switch to the new, easy, pre-fab stuff. It's amazing that I like MySpace! No HTML!
I think that's it for now. Send me your updates- especially if your info on here isn't quite right!
Y'all have a great summer!