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QB's   Poems:

Mr. Man

Sometimes I wish I could write me a boyfriend. One which measures up to all my needs. Pen away to the perfect place, Pencil in the right scene, Mark the mood, and Crayon in the right emotion. I would stay within the lines of my reality and show the Rainbow of thoughts that stream through my brain. Outline my love in Fingerpaint. Watercolor my love in Red, Purple, and Pink. Stencil in the high I felt when you kissed me up and down. The canvas is wide open, waitin' for hues to find their homes. My heart has your address, Please don't forget your way home.

(c) 1997 QB

Dedicated to My Heart, Tupac Shakur

Lookin' Through The Eyes of an Angel

I see you as you are. One who is seperated from the rest. The light burns in your eyes. You blink and another story unfolds. One of passion and determination. Words and sentences flow like a waterfall, gushin'. No amount is too small to accomodate the stories you have told and will tell. The audience changes everytime you open them. I see fire and rage. It shows everytime you open them. When they are closed, I hope the pain will be gone.

(c) 1997 QB