My Story:
Peer Pressure

To start off let me explain a little about my personality. So that you may see the way I did. Growing up I was more comfortable sitting by my self with a good book then hanging out with a bunch of friends. I have always been with drawn and shy.
Two years ago I turned fifteen and started hanging out with some kids from school. I was still pretty much with drawn and I'd not yet dated any one.
That's when I was told by one of the girls in my group, you weren't considered cool till you had kissed a guy. No problem though cause I didn't really care about being cool. Then came the shocker. I could careless what kind of names people called me and how they treated me. If I didn't like it I could just kick back and go read a good book, I didn’t need them. This is what they told me. You are considered a queer if you hadn’t slept with any one yet. I am here to tell you how untrue that is.
At fourteen years of age my best friend came to me, she was scared, nervous and didn’t have any idea what to do. She was pregnant. I can't honestly say I knew what to do, but I told her to tell her folks and work it out from there. She did and now she has a beautiful two-year-old daughter, I saw what could happen. And I didn't want to go down that road. She sits at home day after day taking care of her daughter. She doesn't go to school anymore and there is a little chance she ever will.
I plan to go to college, get a degree and work somewhere. I also plan to meet and marry my soulmate and raise a family together. I am not about to screw that up. I would rather help raise my kid sister then a kid of my own. It’s not cool getting pregnant at 14, 15, or 16, and it’s diffidently not cool getting STD, HIV or AIDS. So trust me, it won't matter what the kids in your group or town thinks, when you are old and gray it will be amazing if you even remember them.
So all I am saying is I am not going to ruin my life. I hope you say the same. My decision isn't Christian or any other religious means; it's simple self directed, self-respect. Thank you,

Sincerely Yours,

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