They got in to the Jedi Academy and so can you!

1.Karen Cheed
2.Lennie Cheed
3.Jason Dane
4.Leah Metzler
5.Julie Metzler
6.Wendy Caldwell
7.Serenity Caldwell
8.Katie Yandell
9.Alyssa Philips
10. Kara Sanches
11. Katia Maron
12. Ryan Millard
13. Tiffany Sanches

Keep on taking the test!

The Star Wars Weekly Newsletter

This is the 1st issue of the SWWN 
(Star Wars Weekly Newsletter) 
and I hope it's good.  The list of people
 who get in the academy will be in this 
newsletter by the guestbook.  If you want
 to rate me on this site, give me an 
E-mail with a number 1-10 (1 being worst, 
10 being best.) 
Also this newsletter will focus on 
trainies of the week!
(yep, Every week someone who got all 
5 questions on the test right will be 
in the newsletter and will get something 
in their E-mail.)(Oh, by the way, I change 
the site every so often solook for 
new things announced in the newsletter.)

		Well, that's about it. see you next week! 

 I am soooo sorry about not writing on the 
newsletter for a while!!  What's happenin'!  
Also, I am sorry but my E-Mail 
on the test and other pages is not working. 
One way you can do it is if you have an E-mail 
address copy my address and write the test there.
There are some new things on the site, such as a 
Star Wars Prequel page, and comming soon, an awards 
page and a top ten web pages list. It can be any
 page you like. just tell Me the address of the 
page and why it should be in the top ten.  
And remember, the list of people who get in the 
academy will be in this newsletter by the guestbook.  
If you want to rate me on this site, give me an 
E-mail with a number 1-10 (1 being worst, 10 being best.) 

      That's all for this week,
           Jania Solo

   This should be called the Star Wars Bimonthly newsletter!!
I should really write more often! 
sorry for all of you that are waiting for something
 new!  well, the prequel page is up, the 
awards page is up, and the top ten site is up. 
 Also, some things new! A whats new page!  
It will tell you whats new, whats coming
 up, and if there are any problems with 
the site.  also coming is a Jedi student of the Month!
I will pick 1 student and that one will be featured 
on the student of the month page!!
well, keep those e-mails rolling,
Jaina Solo

Keep on reading the newsletter times.