<bgsound src="Sorry_Seems_To_Be.mid">
Playing: Sorry Seems to Be

Ritual to Apologize to Gaia

By Nepholae Besom

Nepholae Besom is a very dear friend of Marewindrider who hails from Australia. He is part of theNight Moon Pagan Network of Australia.

I met my wonderful friend on the egroup mailing list ofThe Live Oak Experientialist Church

The ritual following was written with the directions of the elements for the Southern Hemisphere. For those who wish to use this ritual whom live in the Northern Hemisphere, you will need to reverse the words NORTH and SOUTH in the calling of the elements. As Australia is South of the Equator, the elemental references we are familiar are opposite for North and South. The directions of East and West are the same in both hemispheres.

Ritual to Apologize to Gaia


Face East, and breathe deeply of the air. Feel it enter your lungs. Feel the life-giving air of the planet fill your lungs and aerate your body. Feel the effects of clean, pure air and what it means to sustaining life. Then recite the following.

"I apologize to the Guardians of the East, elementals of Air for my part in their defilement. I abhor my role in the wanton destruction of the ozone layer, for my thoughtless past use of CFC's. For those times when apathy and laziness prevented me walking, and I drove and contributed to air pollution.

I apologize for using products that are manufactured in ways that contribute to pollution of the air we breathe. I regret my past indiscriminate use of aerosol products that may have worsened the problems that already existed.

In atonement for my acts, I avow to be more conscious of future behaviour, and do all within my power to minimize and stop further damage to this valuable resource."

Then plant a tree within a pot or within the ground. Nurture the plant with fresh water and visualize this plant giving off rich, life-sustaining oxygen, so valuable for life. See it's role within the ecosystem. See it strengthening and repairing some of the past damage done.

Move to the North, and feel the heat of the sun upon your body. Feel the warmth of the radiant heat, the power of the transformative properties this element contains. Recite the following.

"I apologize to the Guardians of the North, elementals of Fire. I did not respect your powerful transformative energies. Countless times I incinerated things that were not meant to be burnt. I breathed of the toxic fumes and knew I had done wrong. Many times I watched the smoke rise from factories, smoke generated from incorrect use of your properties within various processing stages; and I accepted this without question.

Many times I burnt that which could have been re-used, recycled or composted, contributing to the deleterious effects on the environment. I avow that no more shall I use the power of fire without first thinking of the consequences of my actions

Move to the West, and immerse your hands in the clean pure water that is there. Feel it liquid, cool and refreshing as it covers your hands. Cup those hands and raise them to your lips. Drink of the life-giving waters that flow from the heart of the Mother. Recite the following:

"I apologize to the Guardians of the West, elementals of Water. I humbly apologize for my transgressions which saw me pour inappropriate waste products down the sink. All the times that saw me turn my back upon obvious acts of water vandalism.

I deeply regret all the litter I have dropped in the past that may have found it's way into the water system and polluted this beautiful resource. I am shameful of the times I have used chemicals that have poisoned our water supply. I now accept the responsibility of ensuring a clean and uncontaminated water supply from this point forward."

Again, drink of the water. Visualize this water giving you new focus a and new strength. Feel the vitality of it, and know that you have a role in maintaining the purity of this resource upon the earth. Take some of this water and nourish your new tree with it. See how the elements need to be respected, protected, and honored, in order for them to work in harmony.

Move to the South, and place your hands upon the earth. Feel Gaia breathing beneath your hands. Feel her breath, labored with the load of pollution, overcrowding, excessive water disposal, deforestation, mining, and animal extinction. Feel Gaia's burden, and be in empathy with Her. Recite the following:

"I apologize for my acts of destruction and abuse in excessive consumption. I regret my failure to reduce, re-use and recycle constantly. I regret all the times I have passed litter and not thought to pick it up and help you in your struggle.

For each time I used a product that results in the loss of your valuable resources; the trees, the minerals, the air and water we need to survive. I apologize for taking you for granted and not respecting the gifts you have to offer

From this point forward, I will be mindful of what I use, and how this effects the environment around me. I will endeavour to use my new awareness in order to slow that which I have simply accepted in the past."

Plant another tree in the soil in your garden. Know that this tree will place roots deep within the soil. This tree will link you with the planet, and heighten your connectedness to protecting the environment you live within.

Close your ritual off in the usual manner.

Ritual Copyright © 1999 Nepholae Besom

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