
Goal:  Your child will learn to discriminate between objects.

Materials:  Several sets of objects.

Stimuli: Say "_________(name of child), put with same."

Step 1:  Your child will sort two objects using self-correcting cut-out lids.

Step 2:  Your child will sort two objects using non-self-correcting cut-out lids.

Step 3:  Your child will sort the objects used in Step 2 with the lids placed in front of the can.

Step 4: Your child will sort the objects used in Step 2 without the lids.

Step 5:  Generalize to other objects.

One way to assist a child to feel more comfortable with tasks is to use clear boundaries or borders for each task.  You may choose to use jars, meat trays, egg cartons, muffin tins, film canisters, milk jugs, margarine cups, clear jars, etc. for sorting objects.

Objects for Sorting:  plastic easter eggs, spools with and without thread, large colored paper clips, golf tees, blocks, plastic nuts and bolts, straws, beads, pipe cleaners, plastic hair curlers, lids, pencils, clothespins, stickers, coins, paper money, plastic silverware, poker chips, checkers, play doh, pop beads, popsicle sticks, identical picture cards, legos.

Pictures to Sort:  food, animals, shapes, colors, clothes, tools, furniture, Lotto picture games, Letters and Numbers.

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