Watching the past Nitro (you guys woulda seen it last week – ho hum) I felt hope spark in my heart that WCW was picking up the "entertainment" side of the game a little. Don't get me wrong – I like WCW and WWF..I just think they have different strengths. WWF obviously has the drama/acting side of things down pat, whereas WCW has better technical matches – and usually more of 'em (but there should be more, much more, always more….). The only problem is that both companies feel they need to capture the whole market – neither one is willing to give up a portion of the audience. That may be good business sense…but it leaves me (and other fans I know) severely disappointed.

I mean really – WCW insists on drama and action blended together in a format that suits all ages…... ain't gonna happen. If it's too tame (the complaints currently flying around) then the younger 20-something (predominantly male fans) complain how boring it is. If it gets "spiced up", the way WWF seems to be going, parents around the world turn off the TV and stop potential life long fans from developing a solid taste for wrestling. Either way, you lose some of the market. That's why I think we will always need both companies on air – fans can chop and change what they watch…if they get bored (or disgusted) with one lot they just change to the other for a bit. This also keeps both companies keep busy, and wealthy!

For the people out there who are yelling at the screen how "WWF is the only place to be – WCW sux!!" or "WCW is the only real talented wrestling company!!" Please – take a Valium. I am a wrestling fan – I love both organisations for what they provide. I am also extremely lucky, because Nitro and Raw both show here on different nights – I don't have to choose!

Anyway – back to my original point…. Nitro seems to slowly be getting the idea of the kind of "drama" fans wanna see…the "DX" like skit whilst not original, was entertaining, and let's face it – seeing Big Sexy as Arn playin with Barbie's Horses has gotta make ya giggle! I hope it picks up just a little – that way fans around the world wont moan every time a guy (other than Nash of course) walks out with a microphone in his hand. WWF is getting real good at hiding the sometimes mediocre matches (Bob Holly as Hard Core Champ – oh please!), so I think if WCW could pick up the dramatic side a little (it don't have to be great guys, just not the lamest thing on earth) fans around the globe would heave a sigh of relief, settle back, and watch the action.

Well I leave you living in hope…for a day when I don't cringe at a WCW guy for being lame, and for a day when Chyna learns to cover her butt again! (If she can wear those shorts.... why can't BA Billy Gunn??)



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