So HHH turns Corporate...

~Posted by Jo~

Well as we move into the month of April, 1999, it seems fans all around the world are still trying to cope with the loss of HHH from DX, and his ultimate betrayal to DX members and fans by "going corporate".

When he started, HHH was (in my opinion) the poverbial nerd who needed the cool guys to hang out with so he can be accepted by all and not get beat up on all the time for looking and acting like a total loser! Remember the early days for Paul? The American blue blood who looked down on the fans - Hunter seemed to do well. A solid steady career in WWF...not stardom, but good enough... a midcarder set for life. Then there came Shawn Michaels, and a much needed response to the nWo.
So followed the birth of DX.
HBK suffered an awful back injury in a match with the Undertaker. It spelled a lot of time off for Shawn - he would have to (at least temporarily) leave WWF and DX if he were to ever return in one moving piece. Of course, you all know the details, so I wont bore you with them.

When HBK left, there were histerical whispers that it meant the end for would the Degenerates cope without their leader?? Well, as it turns out, quite well in fact. Helmsley stepped smoothly into the role of DX's leader. Of course, it was never quite the same without The Heart Break Kid, but things can never stay the same. Why, if they had, DX may have become what some say the nWo is today - a washed out gimmick that was good while it lasted, but should have been cut/modified when the going was good.

It makes some sort of sense for HHH to be turning to The Corporation - the Hunter of old could quite easily work with the likes of Vince, The Rock and Shane (if he lowered his standards). If HHH has turned Corporate in an angle to foil MacMahon's dastardly plans, then theoretically, it should be acceptable to Vince that Hunter could turn heel and side with the Aristocracy of the WWF.

So I may be out of my mind - I'm willing to concede to that. But even if we have lost Hunter from DX for good, I really don't think it will matter all that much. As with Shawn and Chyna's absence, and Xpac's arrival, it will be different. But what a lot of fans are forgetting is that DX is more than just six people - it is an attitude, a philiosophy...even for some, a way of life.

Degeneration X is us.


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