Hovea Music Press

Machine Code

for unaccompanied clarinet by

Margaret Dylan Jones

Programme Note

Machine Code is a term sometimes used to describe the most basic levels of computer operation. In this code, eight-digit binary numbers are used to represent the letters of the alphabet. For example, the binary number for M is 11010100. These numbers are used very freely in this piece as a source of rhythmic material, by interpreting the 1s as quavers and the 0s as quaver rests.

A source of contrasting rhythmic ideas is the Fibonacci series of numbers, used in the slow fourth section and the concluding sixth section. This series of expanding or contracting numbers also generates pitches as well as rhythmic shapes in the introductory phrases to sections one and five.

© MDJ 1990

A musically attractive piece, perfect for concerts & recitals. Grades 6-7.

Printable sample (first page)

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