The horse they called a killer

We had to board Poco when we first bought him. We had found a nice place close to where we used to live. We go to know him those first few days and grew to love him. Then one day my daughter called me that there was problems at the barn where we had him. I was in a panic when she called me she told me the owner of the stable said he had broke in with another horse that was very expensive and just about killed the other horse. I got to the stable as fast as I could and ran in. There was Poco was in his stall with a note attached to his stall that read (DANGERS HORSE STAY OUT)my heart fell everthing was going threw my head what was wrong with my horse why did he do this. The owner had seen me drive in and came down to the barn and she started to tell me what had happened. He was suppposed to have went through the gate to the other horse and started fighting the other horse and that he had tore the other horse up and that it was a warmblood and very expensive and they just could not have that. So we decided to keep him in his stall for awhile and see what happened. That night my husband and I walked out to the gate that Poco was to have went through and the gate was bent toward Poco's pasture and not the other way around. We both looked at each other and said Poco didn't break in to jordans pasture, Jordan broke in to Poco's pasture and all poco was doing was defending him self. Poco didn't have a scrach on him but Jordan did. Poco is only 15'2 hands and Jordan is a 17-18 hand horse. Well three days later the kids and I went over to see him and he was laying down eating his hay, every thing went threw my head he was sick you name I thought it. I walked in his stall and nelt down be side him all that was the matter was he was tired this horse was exausted he was to tired to even eat. About then one of the other boarders came in to feed for the owner and I ask her if she new anything she said didn't the owner call you and tell you she turned him out all night I told the girl no i wasn't called. So the next day I ran in to the owner and we talked about why poco was being turned out of a night and she said that they put all of the other horses in and turn him out I said ok thats fine. Three days later the weather had changed to hot like 95 degrees so the kids and I went over to check on poco he was in his stall driping wet no fan on him so I got him out and started cooling him down in the wash rack and then we took him out side for 2 hours and when we broght him back in I wet his stall down untill i could get a fan. I was puting the fan up and the owner said we do that and we use our own fans and I said ok and when are you going to put one in here so this horse dosn't get to hot. She said that night they would put one up and I told her ok well I'll just leave mine here and then when you get yours up I'll take mine down she agreed. Poco was starting to get mean with me when I would start to open his door he would paw the door and bolt out of the stall I was ready to sell him. We finley had to move because the place changed owners and they raised the borad so we move and he wasn't stalled he could run free with other horses and be a horse again. After that i found out when she would feed poco in his stall she would take a whip with her and make him get to the back of the stall. then after we moved him I talked to his previous owner and found out he had beat poco when he wouldn't do something right and then he would run him for 2 miles. Well poco had started bucking the othe man off that is why he sold him. So I had a horse that was 7 years old and realy never been trained so I started with ground maners and then worked up to the basics I went slow and right now I am trying to get him to for get the monsters in his past life. I've Had poco going on 4 years now and the bond between us is great he is forgeting the abuse as the days pass. He is finley becoming free again and wanting to learn and knowing he will not get beat if he dose something wrong.

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