The friends of the royal family could not tolerate the idea of an Arab as
stepfather to the future king - so he had to go; that Diana went with Dodi was just a
bonus for them. Remember HenryII and Becket?
Bob Waters
In the midst of two innocent boys losing their precious mother, all you can do in
the form of a condolence, I pressume, is to write a morally wrong interpretation of the
events. Hopefully, the compassion in this world did not leave with Diana. This is a very
serious and piercing, to some, situation. It, in no way, should be humorous. I remind you
that the paparazzi, a collection of journalist known for their conspiracies and rumors,
are part of what killed Diana. Now, you can attribute
yourself to this category. As Earl Spencer said "you are the ones with blood on your
hands." Whether or not you are the sole author of this content matters. The fact that
you published it is enough for full responsibility. Please, for the sake of the family and
people afflicted with this tremendous loss, take down this page.
Thank you,
Lamar White
>In the midst of two innocent boys losing their precious mother, all you can do
in the form of a condolence, I pressume, is to write a morally wrong interpretation of the
While I sympathize with the two boys who lost their mother, what I object to is this
worldwide adulation of Diana (not that she didn't do any good work but the adulation is
far in excess of her work). There are plenty of other children who lose their mothers
daily and most of them don't have the influence or the rich life style these kids have and
nobody cries for them either.
>This is a very serious and piercing, to some, situation. It, in no way, should
be humorous.
I do think that every person has a right to their own opinion and while it might have been
a sad event for some, I merely find the antics of the press and all the people who seem to
idolize Diana, simply ridiculous.
>I remind you that the paparazzi, a collection of journalist known for their
conspiracies and rumors, are part of what killed Diana.
It wasn't the paparazzi who killed Diana - it was people like you who seem to idolize the
so called "celebrities" and hunger for news about them. The paparazzi wouldn't
have been hounding Diana if there hadn't been a demand for pictures of her. So don't go
blaming the paparazzi alone!
>Now, you can attribute yourself to this category. As Earl Spencer said "you
are the ones with blood on your hands."
If you think about it, you'll realize that you aren't totally free from blame either (if
you are one of those royal watchers, that is).