Dr A Ganesh

Reader in Earth Sciences
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli, India 620 024


Dr A Ganesh [born March 21, 1955] is a renowned scientist and an eminent teacher in the field of water resources evaluation and management. His significant contribution to water resources using remote sensing and GIS can hardly be over emphasized. His findings have helped to map the surplus and deficit areas of water in various river basins of Tamil Nadu, India to analyze the surface and ground water resources and to evolve better water management practices. His academic visits include various universities and reaserch institutes. He has to his credit twenty five research papers and a book.

His two-decade academic career has earned him many laurels. His reputation rests upon his research programs with various agencies. As a true scholar, he holds teaching and research as the two sides of the same coin. He has been guiding five Ph.D scholars.

Apart from conducting various research programs, he served also as a Deputy Warden of the University Hostel and as a Deputy Controller of Examinations.

Having got Graduate Degree in Geography from Government Arts College, Coimbatore in the year 1975, he studied further and obtained Post-Graduate Degree from the Presidency College, Chennai in 1977. He earned his doctorate in Geography from the University of Madras, Chennai in 1986 for his work on Geographical Appraisal of water resources in Upper Vaigai basin, Tamil Nadu, Southern India under the guidance of Dr Vasantha Vishwanath an eminent scholar. During this period he got training in application of aerial and satellite remote sensing for resources evaluation at Survey of India, Bangalore and Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun.

After a brief stay as a CSIR Post Doctoral Fellow he moved over to School of Earth Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli in 1987 as a Lecturer. Besides the concern on water resources, he admixed remote sensing techniques for a number of environmental problems. During May 1999, he has attended a training programme on Remote Sensing for watershed management sponsored by NASDA Japan conducted by the GIS Application Centre, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.

He is life member of a number of Geography and Remote Sensing Associations and also member of Board of Studies in geography, remote sensing in various universities and colleges.

Besides this he has admistrative experience in conducting university examinations for under graduate and post grauduate and engineering degree students.

He was instrumental in conducting Teachers' Recruitment Tests in selecting College teachers for two times in July 1995 and August 1997. He was also incharge for conducting State Level Educational Testing, an eligibility test, which is a must for college and university lecturers.

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Favourite Quotation

I shall pass through this world, but once. If, therfore, there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do let me do it now; let me not defer it, nor neglect it. For I shall not pass through this way again. - Etienne De Grelief

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