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Site Navigation Famous Londoners Picture Galleries

snow family picture
Typical London family enjoying the summer (not). Please visit our Famous Londoners page.


Welcome to a site dedicated to London Ontario Canada, known as the Forest City.
Small now, but this site will continue to grow. Please check back often to see what's been added.

market picture
Please be sure to visit our London Ontario Canada
Picture Galleries page.
London Ontario Canada is home to over 1/3 of a million people.

It was here in London where country music legend Johnny Cash proposed to June Carter.

Labatt's Brewery was founded in London and still has an active brewery here.

Carling Brewing Co. was also founded here in London.

Sir Frederick Banting lived and worked here in London when he thought of the idea that led to the discovery of insulin.

On June 8/07, Michael Moore attended the North American première of his movie "Sicko" here in London, where some of the scenes were filmed.

Opened on May 3 1877, Labatt Park is the oldest continually operating baseball grounds in the world.

When London's CFPL TV went on the air on Nov. 28/1953, it was only the second privately owned TV station in Canada. It was first to broadcast the news at 6:00 p.m. and later to be one of the first Canadian stations to broadcast in colour.

Be sure to come back often. This site will continue to grow with more about London Canada!

All information is believed to be true.
All pictures were photographed in person or believed to be public domain.







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