Yuuske's Profile
Uremeshi Yuuske

Our main character and hero...


Yuuske is our first main character. Walking along the streets, he saw a child walked in front of a running car. Without thinking, he jumped in and saved the kid's life, but he died. Brought back to life by the Spirit World's Koenma Jr., Yuuske has to become a detective for the Spirit World. He was joined by Hiei, Kuwabara, and Kurama.

Personal Files

Hair: black

Eyes: brown

Age: 14

Yuuske is your typical wise-ass who cuts school and cuss a lot. He like to get into figths. But he has a moral side, too. He hardly ever gives up and will help his friends in times of need. He gets annoyed easily and he seems like he has romantic feelings for Keiko, a classmate and friend. In his ordeals, he start out as weak and became stronger and stronger every time he faces a new and more powerful enemy. He is very smart (though, not academically) and stragetic when it comes to fighting. This makes him the most powerful one in the group...perhaps. Early in the story, Yuuske creates more trouble than he knows what to do with it, in end and he changes more dramatically. I'd call him...very caring.

his mother, age 29, who drinks constantly

Not much except he is a delinquent and used to rival Kuwabara before his death. And he don't have a Dad...wonder why.

His Rei-Gun
His main weapon is his Rei-gun, where he summons his ki (energy) into the point of his index finger. He then release a trigger into of him. Though it don't seem like much, it's actually very powerful. The boy is also good with punching and kicking, that stuff. He should know 'cause he likes to beat the crap out of people.