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An athame is a short sword or dagger used in ritual.  It is traditionally double-
edged and black handled and it is usually not used to cut anything on the
physical plane. (Athough most modern witches I know think that the
 handle can be made of anything and any color you wish, and may cut things
 with it.)  The bolline is substituted when cutting of physical items is needed.
 It is a phallic symbol, so it represents the God.  It also represents the
 element of fire (in some circles it also represents air.)
 The sword can be substitued for the athame in workings although,
when in a confined area, the athame is prefered.  Some rituals that it is
 used for are the Casting of the Circle and the Symbolic Great Rite.
The athame is also used in many invocations, evocations, calling the
 watchtowers, LBRP (lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram),
 spellwork, ceremonies, initiation, and various rituals and rites.
