Support H.R. 2896 the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 and S. 1463
the Airline Safety Act of 2001
Ron Paul (R-Texas) has introduced H.R. 2896, the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. If passed it will overturn existing laws and regulations that prevent pilots from carrying sidearms onto planes. 

Specifically, the bill would allow airlines to establish policies for arming pilots or sky marshals, so they could protect their own lives and the lives of their passengers as well as possibly thousands on the ground below.

Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) has introduced S. 1463 to accompany the Paul legislation.  Similar to the House bill, the language of S. 1463 is sufficiently flexible so that it would overturn the current FAA regulation encouraging airlines to veto firearms for pilots.  In addition, it would preempt a rumored FAA regulation which would absolutely outlaw firearms in the hands of

Sen. Smith is prepared to force a vote on his language as soon as the number and range of Senate cosponsors suggest that the language would prevail in a Senate vote.  Therefore, it is imperative that we get a massive number of cosponsors on this bill.
Action Needed:
Write your two senators urging that they cosponsor S. 1463
For list of cosponsors click here. There is currently 1 cosponsor.
NOTE: Bob Smith and few other senators successfully attached an amendment to S. 1447, the Aviation Security Act to arm pilots. S. 1447 passed the Senate via a unanimous consent vote on October 11, 2001. S. 1447 with the Smith amendment now goes to the House.
Write to your representative urging that he cosponsor H.R. 2896.
For list of cosponsors click here. There are currently 13 cosponsors.
President Bush outlined several safety proposals, and
arming pilots was not one of them. His comments on this subject are somewhat similar to those made by FAA Administrator Jane Garvey

The administration is supporting the concept of armed Federal Air
Marshals -- which is fine as a first step.  But with 35,000 daily
flights, it would be a monumental (and costly) task to put a marshal
on every plane.  Allowing pilots to carry would be a much cheaper

Action Needed:

Contact President Bush and FAA Administrator Jane Garvey.  It is imperative that the President not kill this legislation by making veiled veto threats. Urge President Bush and Administrator Garvey to support these important bills.  Tell them that Gun Free Zones -- such as what airplanes are -- do not work, and that they will not stop bad guys from carrying weapons.  Please remind them that guns save lives, and that arming pilots is a good first step. Remind them that a pilot who wants to crash a plane doesn't need a gun to do it -- so it's foolish to prevent them from having the tools they need to protect the lives of their passengers.
Contact Information for President Bush:
Phone:   202-456-1414
Fax:     202-456-1907
The FAA is seeking comments, please contact
Administrator Garvey at
via the agency's easy-to-use feedback page.

You can also contact Administrator Jane Garvey at:
Phone:   866-289-9673
Fax:     202-267-5091
For the address of all congressmen and senators click here.
For letter writing tips click here.
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