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The primary goal of our athletic department is to lift up the name of Jesus Christ through encouraging our teams to pursue excellence on and off the athletic fields, and courts.  We have a number of other goals that are based upon this primary goal.  First of all, we want to integrate Spiritual/Godly principles into athletic competition, as well as into daily practices and life.  Second, we want to give our
players opportunities to verbally share how Jesus Christ has made an impact in their life because of the platform that athletic competition gives them.  Third, we want to teach the principles of putting aside individual desires so that team goals can be accomplished.  Fourth, we want to teach players to realize that often their true character will come out in the heat of competition, and that competition gives us valuable lessons to be learned regarding the Christian life.  Fifth we want to challenge and prepare our players to use the gifts that God has given them to make an
impact on the world



Men's Basketball



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