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The Cute-and-Fuzziest, Warm-and-Cuddliest Muppet Around
Elmo is one of the newest and most playful members of the Sesame Street monster family. In fact, he can turn almost anything into a game, and then invite friends to join him in imaginative fun. Elmo's fire-engine red fur and sunshine nose are almost as colorful as his personality.

Birthday: February 3

Favorite Song: "Elmo's Song"

Best Friends: Grover grover.gif (919 bytes)and Zoezoe.gif (826 bytes)

Favorite game: You name it, he'll play it.

Quote: "That tickles."

Likes: Anything and everything; doing whatever Ernie and Bert can do

Dislikes: Brussels sprouts (but who doesn't?)

Horoscope: Elmo, like Ernie, is an Aquarian—incurably friendly, curious, and    full of surprise.

Scientific Name: Furrius childus

Philosophy: Give love and you shall receive love.          

Voice and Puppetry: Kevin Clash

vivi's word : hahaha~Elmo is so cute!!!! hehehe~ Just like me, always    "hehe~hahaha~" tickling around~ That's why i love Elmo so much!

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