Local 258 Union Officials
President/Delegate Vice President/General Chairman
Jack Livingston Joe Moon
1-319-626-6554 1-309-787-1965
Fax 1-309-787-2926
General Secretary/Treasurer Vice General Chairman
Bob Reed Jr. Vacant
1-563-391-0103 Fax
Legislative Representative Asst. Legislative Representative
Ryan Egert Jeff Fugate
1-309-949-3355 1-309-756-0897
1-309-949-3366 Fax
Alternate Delegate Board of Trustee
Will Roland Mike Smock
1-309-762-8237 1-319-649-2230
Board of Trustee Board of Trustee
Ed Bowman Mark Harris
1-641-792-6258 1-563-322-0085
These are the Officials elected to Represent you, Please feel free to contact us. We can not do our jobs correctly if we dont hear from you. Your opinions and problems, are ours as well, we need to now about them.
The Elections for your Officers are coming up this year. Anyone interested, keep this in mind you could be the next elected official?