Lycée Pasteur


Unite the Nations Game

Classes de 4ème 3

monitored by students of 2nde and teachers


4ème 3 at the computer

Group 11
from left clockwise
Ricardo, Francis,Mauricio(2nde),Richard and Daniel D


Group 12
from left clockwise
Lydia(2nde),Candice,Mariel,Marcelo, Giulia, Diego

Group 13
from left clockwise
Raphael, Isadora(2nde),Raphael S.,Daniel B., Bruno and Guilherme


Group 14
from left clockwise
Margot, Balthazar(2nde),Mme Septanil, Mme Chalard(teachers) ,Julien and Moema

Group 15
From left to right clockwise
Monique, Anne Caroline, Annie, Leonardo and Natacha

4eme3 after the game with M.Defontaine (vice-principal)

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