How to Present Your Project for

English Speaking Countries

1. Choose the person you're going to work with and the country you are going to present. Remember the UK, the USA, Australia and Canada are not permitted - this leaves you with Ireland (Eire), Malta and Gibraltar in Europe, Central America, South America (Falklands and Guyana), the countries and territories in Africa and in Asia + New Zealand.

2. Have a good look at your reference material (which must be in English - translations will not be accepted!!!) - see what you can find on the Net, books, magazines, tourist agencies, consulates and keep the reference or photographs you like for future reference.(always remember to note down the source)

3. Decide which point you will treat (culture, geography, population, history, etc). You may treat two topics if you think they are related and assemble your pertinent material (always remember to keep the source, bibliography of what you find )

4. Find a digital map of the country you will be talking about and the country limits.Find the capital and the population of the country (indicate year of statistics - try to find the latest). Find the flag of the country and the explanation for it.

5. Get all the material together , decide on the text (you must consult various sources and mention them at the back of your work) and present it on a floppy disk (Word/Powerpoint or HTML editor)

Model of layout for your front page

(you may use the font/size and style you think best)


Flag of the Country

Explanation for symbology colours

Map of the country with frontier limits Explanation of what you are going to present and why you have chosen this particular aspect.
Your names and class

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Suggestions for Internet Sources:

LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE:Citation Guides for Electronic Documents

The World Fact Book information on countries: flag and map, people, geography, government, economy, transportation, ommunications and defense

E-Conflict™ World Encyclopedia
Country information from around the world. World Countries, Current Weather, Country Flags National Anthems,Online Discussions

History Channel any topic any time by the world's leading historians

history links

Guide to museums and cultural resources

research it (language, geography, finance,shipping,internet) -

The Earth Times Environment, education. society, business, culture,media,nature, politics,
population. Online News -

Discovery Channel

Global Learn (learn through expeditions)

National Geographic -

Georesources - outline maps and all you need for geography

Cyberschool bus -

Commonwealth (just for maps and very short information - statistics are old)-

Latin American Information Center -

Geography -

Lonely Planet - tourist information, maps, cultural information

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