Image Editing by: Scott "Jade" Murphy
photoshop 5.0

Profession: Protocol Droid Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Race: n/a Weight: 200 pounds
Age: ? Hair Color: n/a
Home World: ? Eye Color: yellow
CP: 15 FP: DSP: 0 Build: n/a
Character is not force sensitive.
Distinguishing Features:
"Please don't deactivate me I am fluent in over 7 million forms of communication and I have experiance in many many areas and i am a very dilligent worker as you will soon see.... Can I get you andy thing, I just want to help, what can I do for you?" Always damaged in some way or another, currently has 2 battle droid legs attached.


cultures 6d
languages 10d
galactic History 5d
(s)100 years prior to clone wars 8d con 7d
sneak 4d
(s)speeder bike operation 1d+1

Background: History: Until recently L3P0 was owned by a small pirate band that was destroyed by Tevor, Miec, Io, and Sslurn. While Miec was exploring the pirates vessel he came across L3P0. He had him deactivated, and as yet has not reactivated him. L3P0 is an expert on the history of the galaxy, with a special interest in the events occurring 100 years before and up to the clone wars. L3P0 has not had his memory wiped in a long time, and usually can convince his owner not to do so.  He has been captured many times in his existence, and his strategy when captured is to spill everything, and kiss up to whom ever he feels will listen to him. His main fear is having his memory wiped. He will be a loyal companion to whom ever owns him.


Humanoid body 2 arms, 2 legs, head
Two visual and auditory sensors Human Range
Vocabulator speech / sound system The droids Vocabulator speech / sound
system make the droid capable of reproducing 
virtually any sound it hears, or is programed to reproduce.
AA-1 Verbo Brain   
TranLang III communications module Over 7 million languages


Personal Equipment:

  • None
Personality: L3 is a expert on the pre clone wars' era and has remained active with no memory wipes for the last century. He is intensely interested in history of any kind. He like most protocol droids can be very annoying. He will talk someone's ear off untill he gets what he wants. He really tries hard [too hard] to help his current master.


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