All characters, save Feather, are the copyrighted work of Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permision purely for entertainment value. In other words, I ain't selling, you ain't buying, and everyone is happy right? That having been said, let us proceed with the third chapter of A Feather in the Wind. _______________________________________________________________ A Feather in the Wind Chapter 3 As the sun set upon the horizon, Feather sat next to an unconscious Ryouga. She leaned back, enjoying the simple beauty of the sunset. Eventually, Ryouga regained consciousness again, and they set out to find their goal, the Tendo Dojo. "We're in the right town," Ryouga said as they started out, "if our luck holds, we will be standing on the Tendo's doorstep before nightfall." "What makes you say that? I'm not sure exactly of where we are." "You see that school?" Ryouga pointed at Furinkan High, when Feather nodded he continued, "That's the school Akane goes to. The path between that school and the Tendo dojo is marked by signs of battle" He rubbed the back of his head "I don't hold back whenever I fight Ranma, and he has other enemies that attack him on a regular basis as well. Ranma has a tendency to leave them imbedded in walls, so all we have to do is follow the damage and we can't lose!" Ryouga looked impressed with himself. Feather snorted and crossed her arms. "And how, pray tell, do we decide which way to go from the gate?" Feather asked, with just a touch of sarcasm in her voice. Ryouga made a guttural noise and jerked forward a little. He looked sheepishly over at Feather and put his hand to the back of his head. "I guess we'll flip a coin, we'll have a fifty fifty shot anyways" Feathers face started to turn red with anger, then suddenly she laughed. Ryouga started to laugh with her as they headed towards the front gates to the school. Neither of them noticed a black-cloaked man following them. The man spoke briefly into a walkie-talkie, and turned to continue his surveillance. A small embroidered patch of a viper encircling a blade could be seen on his shirt. When Ryouga and Feather reached the gate, they stopped and flipped a coin. They turned to the left and started to run. After only running for a few minuets, they saw what looked like a body print in a wall. Ryouga grinned hugely. "Judging by the shape of that hole, Mousse decided to attack Ranma today." Feather was panting when she replied. "How do you know it was today?" "Simple, with all the fights going on, construction companies have gotten real efficient. The holes from today's fight will be filled in by morning." And as if to prove Ryouga's point, a pick-up pulled up to the hole and two men jumped out. One of them started to gather the pieces of the wall, while the other started to mix concrete. Feather gaped at how quickly and quietly they worked. "That's amazing!" She gasped out. She was hurting from her fight with Cologne, but she didn't want to admit it to Ryouga. But her muscles complained constantly about their use, and her breath was getting short. Suddenly she tripped, and it looked to her like she was going to smash headfirst into a pole. She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable contact.... but it never came. She opened her eyes and looked around. Ryouga, without even breaking stride, had picked her up and was still running. She was so out of breath, that she wasn't even able to thank him, so instead, she just wrapped her arms around his neck, and relaxed. "I knew it!" Ryouga shouted as he turned a corner, following some broken chains. Up ahead was the Dojo, and the gates were open with Mr. Tendo sweeping in front. At Ryouga's shout, Mr. Tendo looked their way, and Feather waved to him. He waited for the teenagers to stop in front of him to speak. "Well now, Hello Ryouga, I'm glad to see you made it back. Looks like you and Feather had a good time on your little trip" Mr. Tendo said as Ryouga put Feather back on her feet. Mr. Tendo turned and called into the house, "Kasumi! We have guests for dinner!" "Yes Father!" Was Kasumi's only response. "I hope we're not to much of a bother.." Feather started to say, but was interrupted by Mr. Tendo putting an arm around her shoulders and leading them in. "Nonsense! We really want to know more about you, and now that you're here, you can tell us" He grinned hugely, "We've been worried about you since that night, the only one who wasn't was Ranma. He kept saying that there was no way Ryouga was going to let you get hurt. I'm glad to see that his faith in his friend was well placed" Mr. Tendo was practically blabbering as he led them into the dining room. Nabiki was sitting there reading a stock report. She looked up as they entered the room. "Well well well, look what daddy found!" She smiled a little, "Don't you too just look so cute together." Feather blushed, and Ryouga looked fairly uncomfortable as they sat down at the table. "Don't spare me the details, tell me what happened" Feather gently punched Ryouga in the arm. He looked startled for a second, hen he started to talk. "After Feather had passed out, I carried her as I ran from those reporters. She didn't wake up again until a day later. By then, I was outside Osaka. After she woke up, I loaned her my spare clothes, and we walked into the city...." Ryouga continued relating their tale as the rest of the Tendos and the Saotomes listened intently. When he was finished, Ranma smirked a bit. "What did I tell you?" Ranma grinned at Akane, "Like I said, he's just too pig headed to have let anything happen to her," Ryouga glared at him for a second, but subsided when he realized that this was just Ranma's way of complimenting him. Ranma looked at Feather, "So, Ryouga's started to train you huh?" Feather nodded and Ranma grinned. "How good have you gotten?" "Ranma!" Akane glared at him, "She's only been training for a month! Don't be too harsh on her, even if Ryouga is a great teacher." She thought back to when Ryouga had trained her for the rhythmic gymnastics tournament, and more recently, helping to train her for her rematch with Natsume and Kanumi. "I'm still not that great," Feather said softly, "But Shampoo's great-grandmother said I had potential," Feather brightened at this. "She did say something about how my form didn't seem to be coming naturally to me, though." Feather looked thoughtful, as did Ranma and Ryouga. Suddenly Ranma snapped his fingers. "Of course! Feather, show me the stances that Ryouga first taught you..." Feather stood and demonstrated. Ranma nodded, "Yeah, those stances are well suited to someone who uses a lot of strength in every strike. What may work better for you would be..." Ranma stood and showed Feather a slightly different stance, showing her to roll forward on her toes a little, and flex her knees just a bit differently. "There, is that a lot easier?" he asked as Feather tried the stance he had just demonstrated for her. "Wow! This feels a whole lot more natural!" Feather exclaimed. Ryouga looked at Ranma with a hateful glare. Ranma noticed this and started to sweat. "Not that the stance Ryouga taught you was bad," Ranma stammered out, "It's just that he didn't seem to realize that you are a lot lighter. You should still be able to execute the same moves form that stance, just try and do them a little faster. You may be surprised at the results!" Ranma sat down, and Ryouga leaned next to him to whisper. "How did you know that stance was going to work better for her?" He practically hissed into Ranma's ear. "Simple," Ranma replied, "I have to use a different stance when I'm a girl 'cus my balance is different. Even Akane could've told you that that stance pulls a girl off balance." Ryouga looked stupefied. "How come I didn't run into that kind of problem whenever I help to train Akane?" Ryouga asked. "She already knew her stances stupid." "What did you call me?" Ryouga started to steam at the casual way Ranma insulted him. "What are you two whispering about?" Akane asked as she leaned towards them, curious. "n nnothing Akane!" Ryouga stammered, abruptly sitting up straight. Ryouga continued to look excessively nervous while Akane was looking his way. "What's the matter P-chan? Can't admit you learned something from me?" Ranma taunted. He backed up a little when Ryouga bared his teeth and then lunged for him. "You're dead Saotome!" he yelled as he threw Ranma out into the yard. "Cut it out both of you!" Akane practically yelled as she scrambled to get up and separate the two "friends". Akane was about to rush into the melee, when the two suddenly stopped fighting, and just stood looking at each other. Confused, Akane went to stand next to Ryouga. "What happened?" She asked him. When Ryouga didn't answer, Akane looked at him in concern. She noticed that he was staring rather intently, but not in hatred at Ranma. She followed his gaze and smiled a little. At the far side of the lawn, Feather had been standing, watching the fight with a faint look of disapproval. Akane walked quickly over to Feather. When she got close, she could see a bit of a tear forming in the corner of the red-heads eye. "Come on Feather, you look like you need some rest," Akane said, gently trying to guide the girl inside. "But Ranma and Ryouga," Feather started to say, but was interrupted by Akane. "Neither of them will admit it, but they're good friends. I think they fight like this to keep their edge. They are both really proud, and had started out as rivals," Akane smiled at the shorter girl, "But with everything they have been through, they have become friends, and they seem to show it to each other by demonstrating his skill... on each other." Feather giggled at Akane's viewpoint. Especially since she heard the battle restart after they had left. "My interfering has also become part of the game they play. I try to stop them, and it spurs them on even more." she giggled at that. "Come on Feather, you can tell me about your wings while they work out..." Akane didn't notice Feather getting very nervous. ::It's not like I don't want to tell her,:: Feather thought, ::But I can't remember anything before last year!:: Feather continued to think about how she would get around telling Akane about her past, unawares of the man watching the dojo from the tree. A while later, Ranma and Ryouga were sitting in the dojo, utterly exhausted, and both a bit bruised. Their clothes were torn, and each felt pain in their ribs as they tried to breath. " It's not over yet Saotome!" Ryouga stood, albeit unsteadily. " that's right, pig boy!" Ranma also stood, and he was grinning widely, "We haven't gotten each other wet yet!" "Ha! You're not getting me this time Ranma!" Ryouga grinned as he hefted a fire pail. Ranma grinned and revealed a water pistol. The air between them was thick with the tension, and neither of them moved. A single bead of sweat fell off of Ranma's chin, as he suddenly raised the water gun and squeezed the trigger. Seeing the motion, Ryouga hurled the contents of the bucket at Ranma, and did his best to dodge the thin stream of water Ranma was sending his way. With a loud splash, a pig and a girl looked at each other from different sides of the dojo, then the girl collapsed laughing, while P-chan did a piggish equivalent. Only a few seconds later, they were both young men again, thanks to a steaming kettle, thoughtfully left behind by the eldest of the Tendo sisters. "Whoo! I haven't had that much fun since, oh, I'd say that little trip to Togenkyo!" Ranma laughed out. Ryouga merely grinned as he squeezed out his shirt. "Practicing with Feather sure has improved you since the last time pig-boy!" "Heh, and I suppose that you don't think that not being able to fight for almost a month didn't hurt your abilities? You've gotten soft Ranma! Your chestnut fist was slower than usual!" Ryouga beamed at Ranma. "Hah yourself Ryouga!" Ranma replied, still grinning ear to ear, "Your baksai tenketsu took a whole second to work, and even then the rock barely shattered. What's wrong? Lose your focus? Maybe you left it with your sense of direction!" Ryouga glared at Ranma, who returned the look. After a few seconds of mock anger, they both collapsed laughing again. "It's good to have you back around Ryouga! I needed a distraction so badly," he rolled his eyes a bit, "Shampoo has redoubled her efforts since that night, Kodachi is as crazy as ever, and Akane's had to fight off Kuno at almost every street corner." Ryouga grunted a bit at the news. "What about Ukyou?" He asked. "That's the funny part Ryouga," Ranma scratched his head, "Every time she comes over, I think she's going to glomp onto me, but instead, she just seems to want to help Akane get through what happened. Of course, she would still bring over a 'get well' okonomiaki every day. But like I said, she's just been helping to keep Shampoo and Kodachi offa me, and Kuno and anyone else offa Akane. Ever since she came over the day after I got shot, she's been like that, even now when my leg is fully healed, she's still acting like that." Ranma shook his head, then looked out at the darkening sky. "It's kinda nice, and Akane seems to enjoy having Ukyou as a friend, but what will happen if I tell Ukyou that I don't want to marry her..." Ranma and Ryouga face-faulted as Genma and Mr. Tendo come out of nowhere and crowd around Ranma. "Is it true son?" Mr. Tendo asked, tears in his eyes, "You really want to marry my Akane that badly?" Ranma squirmed within their grip. "Hey waitaminnit! That ain't what I said! Who said I wanted to marry that un-cute tomboy anyways!" Ranma yelled as he struggled. Mr. Tendo wailed and grabbed Ranma's shoulders while bowing his head. Genma moved next to his son with his fist raised angrily. "Is this how you show your gratitude boy? This marriage goes beyond personal wants and desires!" He yelled in his sons ears. Ryouga stands up, unnoticed. "It's about carrying on the anything goes school of martial arts!" "Oh yeah?!? Well Akane and I think our feeling have an awful lot going into this pop!" Ranma yelled, as Ryouga takes a step forward. "Put aside your anger! Akane is such a sweet young girl! You should be proud to have her as a fiancee, and you would be even more proud to have her as your wife!" Genma counters, knowing his son's true feelings for Akane, and is using them against his son. Ryouga's battle aura flares. "She can't cook, she's violent, stubborn as a mule, twice as strong!" Ranma fled behind the cover of the insults. Out of the corner of his eye, Ranma notices a green glare. Glancing over, he notices Ryouga is approaching them angrily. "Wait Ryouga!" Ranma starts to panic, since it looked like Ryouga was getting ready to do a full shi shi hokkkodan. Ryouga seemingly ignores Ranma's shout and charges at them. Seeing an uncontrollable Ryouga approaching them rapidly, Genma and Mr. Tendo scramble to get out of the way. Ryouga ignores them and he flying tackles Ranma into the yard. Before Ranma could recover, Ryouga had grabbed the back of his shirt and jumped over the wall and dragged Ranma down the street. "Whoa Ryouga! Slow down man!" Ranma desperately twists around, trying to get Ryouga to release his grip. Suddenly, Ryouga stops and let's go of Ranma's shirt. They were at the bank of the river next to the bridge. Ranma stood and looked at Ryouga. "Ryouga, what's gotten into you?" Ryouga looks wistfully up at the now dark sky. "Ranma, I, I think I'm starting to get over Akane." "WHAT?!?!" Ranma yelled as he face faulted. Ryouga turned and looked at the ground. "When your father and Mr. Tendo were talking about you marrying Akane, I didn't get the same kind of pain in my heart. It was almost as if," Ryouga paused as he looked up, "It felt more like that happy-sad feeling you get when you see a sister or brother married I think." Ryouga suddenly grabbed Ranma's shoulders. "Be good to Akane Ranma. I, I don't think I'll be getting in your way anymore." Ranma just looked at Ryouga in shock. Ryouga sighed and sat down. "Your objections to Akane still wound me Ranma, but, they don't infuriate my like they used too." Ranma's mind was still reeling from the implications behind Ryouga's words. Ranma sat down next to Ryouga. "What made you change your mind?" "I think it started when you dragged Akane and Feather into my house. The way Akane looked at you while you were passed out, her cry of despair when realized that you were badly hurt, the way she was locked in her mind after you were taken to the hospital. She loves you Ranma," Ryouga looked over at his rival/friend, a sad look on his face, "Don't make her wait too long, I might kill you for that." Ranma started to object, but didn't say anything when he saw the expression on Ryouga's face. They sat in silence for a few minuets, then Ranma spoke. "So, what are you going to do now Ryouga? If you think you're over Akane, are you going to try and find your way home?" Ryouga shrugged. "I thought about that, but it's fun watching you squirm around your fiancees. Also, our fights are making us stronger." Ranma nodded. "Yeah, like when you figured out the shi-shi hokkudan, I figured out the mouko takabisha. And you seem to be stronger and stronger each time we fight. Your one guy who keeps me on my toes!" "And someday Ranma, I will defeat you! But this time, it won't be about Akane. It will be about our skills!" Ryouga took on a determined expression. "Hah! That'll be the day!" Ranma laughed, "The day you defeat me in a fair fight is the day I'll kiss Kuno!" Ryouga gagged at Ranma's remark, but then grinned. "I hope you don't take those words to heart Ranma." Ranma looked at the stars again. "So, you and Feather making plans yet?" Ranma asked nonchalantly. "What do you mean, plans?" Ryouga asked, his heart suddenly aching. "I saw how you look at her man. It's the same look you used to give to Akane. I just figured that since you two were out training together for a month, she might also be feeling something for you.." "If only I was that lucky Ranma." Ryouga sighed. "She seems to be haunting my dreams now, but, I can't get it together enough to ask her out or anything. When I look in those eyes of hers I...." Ryouga stops, embarrassed. "I know what you mean. I get the same way whenever Akane smiles at me. Not that smile when she's about to clobber me, but that smile she has whenever I do the right thing." Ranma started to fiddle with the grass. "But, before I can say anything to her, either pops or Mr. Tendo pop out of nowhere, and they try to force us." The grass he's playing with is forcefully ripped out of the ground. "And then we close up again. I get so tired of it all, that I want to grab Akane and run for the horizon, maybe getting lost somewhere and then we would be able to actually talk without being idiots." Ryouga looked at his friend in sympathy. Then he stood up. "It's late Ranma, you want to lead me back to the dojo? I kinda want a warm bed tonight." As if to punctuate his words, the wind started to blow, chilling them both. Ranma stood without a word and led Ryouga down the streets of Nerima. When they where about halfway back, Ranma spoke. "Hey, does she know?" "Know what Ranma?" Ryouga asked, confused. Ranma roller his eyes. "About P-chan. Does she know that your the pig." Ryouga nodded. "She found out about two weeks ago. She thinks it's cute, and doesn't seem to mind at all," Ryouga flushed a bit at the memory....... --------------------------Flash Back------------------------- They were running alongside a highway, side by side. A recent rainstorm had left puddles alongside the road. Ryouga was dodging the puddles, and encouraging Feather to leap over them, rather than go around. "Think of it as training. If you can jump over the puddles without landing in any of them, you will have made an improvement." Ryouga demonstrated by jumping over a particularly large one with apparent ease. Feather tried to jump over, but when she saw she was going to land a bit short, she snapped her wings out and flew to where Ryouga was standing. "Don't take the easy way out Feather!" Ryouga chided her, "If you don't make the jump, you get wet. If you make it, you stay dry." Downcast, Feather walked around the puddle, and then backed up a few paces to get a running start. She swallowed hard and then started to run. She jumped right at the edge of the puddle, and it looked like she would make it. However, she came up about half a foot short, splashing water all over the place. "Oh Ryouga! I'm sorry did I get you wet?" Feather looked all over, but the only sign of Ryouga was his pack, and some rumpled clothes. Then something under the clothes started to move. Curious, Feather leaned closer, and was greeted by the sight of a small black pig wriggling free of the clothes. "How cute!" She exclaimed as she picked the pig up out of Ryouga's clothes. She hugged it tightly to her chest, and was rewarded with a gusher of blood coming from the pig's snout. "Hey! What's the matter with you pig? And why do you have Ryouga's bandanna.... Bandanna? Nosebleed? Ryouga?!?!?" Feather looked at the pig again, and it looked like the pig nodded ever so slightly. The pig squealed a little, and rubber the side of his head with one hoof. "How on earth?" Feather was confused. The pig wriggled in her arms, trying to get free. Feather put the pig down and kneeled in front of it. "Well, are you Ryouga or aren't you?" The pig responded by scratching the words 'hot water' in the dirt. "You are Ryouga!" Feather exclaimed, as P-chan nodded vigorously. "And I guess you mean by writing hot water, that that's what it takes to turn you back!" P-chan nodded even more vigorously. Feather frantically dug through Ryouga's pack, looking for the 'camping man's helper'(TM) and a pot or anything to heat water in. In short order, she had dug out the mini stove, a pot, and had scooped up some rain water to be heated. Not knowing how hot it needed to be, she had boiled the water. "Here you go!" She said cheerfully as she tossed the pot full of boiling water on Ryouga. "OWW!! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT!" Ryouga danced around in pain from the scalding water, but avoided the cold water like the plague. Feather blushed as she watched a naked Ryouga dance around. Suddenly Ryouga stopped, and he looked over at Feather as he belatedly tried to cover himself. His face, and a good portion of his chest turned red, as he fell face first onto the ground. -----------------------End Flashback------------------------- "That was a good one Ryouga!" Ranma laughed at his story. Ryouga got red faced with his anger. "Shut up Ranma! That isn't something to laugh about!" Ryouga yelled. "But it's so funny! I mean you, teaching someone to jump, over cold water, knowing that if they fail, you would become P-chan!" Ranma continued to laugh. "I said shut up!" Ryouga retorted with quite a bit of anger in his voice "It ain't funny at all!" They continued on to the dojo, Ryouga was still fuming a bit, and Ranma was chuckling at him. The star filled night was so peaceful, they felt like nothing could go wrong now. Kasumi greeted them at the gate. "Why hello you two." Kasumi greeted them cheerfully, "Your just in time for dinner, why don't you go and freshen up a bit." Kasumi smiled at them, and then went into the kitchen to start serving the food. Feather and the rest of the Tendos were already at the table when Ranma and Ryouga sat down. Feather was looking distinctly uncomfortable, but as soon as Ryouga was in sight, she visibly relaxed. Akane caught Ranma's eye and winked. Soon, everyone was too busy eating the delicious meal set before them to do anything else. After the meal, the two fathers retired to there usual spot to play shogi, while Feather offered to help clean up afterwards. Kasumi gently, but firmly, told her that guests should not have to help in the kitchen. Ranma, Ryouga, Feather, and Akane sat around the living room. Akane was telling the bandanna clad duo about what happened around the dojo for the last month. Akane carefully omitted about how she was so worried about Ranma that she was losing sleep over him. "Feather," Akane asked, "How come you keep avoiding the subject when I ask you about your past?" Akane gazed at the suddenly nervous girl. Feather fidgeted for a few minuets, trying to think of a way around that topic. "Well?" Akane urged gently. Feather stopped fidgeting, and just bowed her head. Ryouga looked worried as he shook Feather's shoulder. "Hey! You OK?" he asked. Feather's head snapped up, her eyes full of tears. "I don't remember okay?!?" she screeched as she quickly stood and left the room. Outside, a man made a triumphant report into his walkie talkie, and he stealthily left. Inside, three young martial artists looked at each other, and then dashed after Feather. "Wait Feather!" Ranma called out, "We couldn't have known! Come back here!" Feather ignored him as she quickly threw her shoes on and ran out the door. "I said come back here!" Ranma and Ryouga gave quick chase, promptly leaving Akane behind. "Honestly," Akane grumbled to herself as she started walking back to the dojo, "You'd think she would stick around, huh?" Akane noticed a figure fleeing the wall near the dojo, trying to stay lost in the shadows. Akane blinked and she couldn't see it any more. "Probably just Happosai up to his usual tricks again." She mumbled as she reentered the dojo. Feather ran. She ran from Ranma, Ryouga, and most importantly, she ran from that blank in her memory. Her tear filled eyes clouded her vision, and occasionally, she'd stumble, only to try and run longer. 'Further, faster, longer, tougher' her sensei's words haunted her as she ran. She never noticed when her loose shoes came off, until she tried to cross some gravel. She sat down in place and cried. She tried blocking out the rest of the world, locked in her own misery at not knowing who she really was. Try as hard as she might, the first thing she remembers clearly is working as a fake angel in a carnival side-show. She originally told them about being like that for ten years in hopes that they wouldn't ask any more questions about that. She was wrong. Ranma and Ryouga heard a girl crying ahead of them, and they sped up. When they turned a corner, they were able to see Feather, sitting on the ground, crying her eyes out. Both of the young men stopped in their tracks, not sure about what to do. Ranma broke out of brain freeze first and walked up to Feather. "Hey, come on, stop crying." He tried to comfort her, "We don't care that you don't remember anything, just come on back to the dojo OK?" Ranma looked intently at Feather, and she turned on him rather suddenly. "You have no idea what's going on do you?" She screamed, "I can't remember anything past about a year ago! I don't even know who my parents are! I'm cursed like this now. You have no idea what it's like to be cursed! Ryouga maybe, but you have no way of knowing how much it hurts to be different, so different that people would pay money just to see you for a minuet or two. Or so alone! You at least still have you're parents! I can't even remember them!" She punctuates each sentence by advancing on Ranma angrily. Ranma backs away from her, then looks over at Ryouga. "I guess there's only one way to make her feel a bit better about this, eh P-chan?" Ranma said softly, with a note of resignation. "Ranma, you don't mean...." Ryouga started to say, and stopped when Ranma nodded. "I hope your right Ranma." Ryouga looks around for a second, and then picks up a discarded cup. It still had some water in it from a previous rainfall. "Sorry about the dirty water Ranma." Ryouga says simply as he pours the water over Ranma's head. Feather's eyes just about bug out of her head, as she watches Ranma change suddenly from a well muscled young man, to a much shorter, bouncy red-headed girl. "Wha wha, how, how did you do that?" Feather's brain goes into shock. Ranma grins a little at that. "You know all about Ryouga and you're asking how? I've been cursed, much as he has, and it has made my life difficult. I know about what it's like to be used by others for profit. There are a few people that have paid money in order to just see me for a moment or two. I'm definitely different from everyone else, and it's been so long since I've been able to be with my mom as her son, it tears me apart every time she comes over." Ranma-chan walks forwards and puts her hands on the other girls shoulders. "I know only too well what it's like to be cursed. As for the memory, you can talk to Akane about that, she would understand a lot better than most people." Ryouga walked up to the other two, and puts in his piece. "You see Feather, we can relate to what you're going through. Both of us have had no choice about some things that have happened to us. Can you imagine waking up on a dinner platter?" Feather looked agape at Ryouga who nodded. "More people than I can count have tried to cook me, but I survive, and I learn from it. You need to be strong, and I think we can help." "What should I do?" Feather was still sniffling a bit, but allowed the others to start guiding her back to the dojo. "Well, I think Dr. Tofu might like to take a look at you," Ranma-chan said, "He's dealt with memory problems before. He's great, as long as Kasumi ain't around." Ranma- chan shuddered at the thought. "What happens when Kasumi is around the doctor?" Feather inquired, curious about Ranma's reaction. Ranma shrugs a bit. "The poor guys so much in love with Kasumi that he goes nuts when she's around. It's dangerous to be near him when he's like that." Ranma-chan said, and they continued walking on to the dojo in silence. When they reached the dojo, they saw that Akane was waiting for them at the gate. "Sure took you time getting back," She commented acidly. Ryouga and Feather looked sheepish, but Ranma-chan was defiant. "So we took a little while, so what? It's not my fault that you're too slow to keep up." Akane fumed, then she grinned maliciously. "Is that right, then I guess I won't warn you." Akane entered the house in a huff. "Geez, what's her problem?" Ranma-chan muttered as they walked inside. Right as Ranma-chan kicked off her shoes, a motherly, and yet frightening voice hailed her. "Ranko, it's nice to see you again!" Ranma's mother, Nodoka, walked around the corner. "Auntie Saotome!" Ranma-chan tried desperately to keep her heart from stopping. ::So this is what Akane meant about warning me..:: "I'm really glad I could see you again!" Ranma-chan meant it. Even if she couldn't reveal her true identity to her mother, she still wanted to be as close to her as possible. "You missed Ranma again, he went with his father on another training trip." "Oh, Akane-chan already told me. I was hoping to catch them while Ranma's leg was still healing. I saw what happened on the news, but I was visiting with my parents and couldn't just leave. I was so proud of my son, when the reporters said he had taken a bullet to keep Akane-chan from getting hurt." Ranma-chan's heart almost broke when she heard that. Feather almost said something, but Ryouga clamped his hand over her mouth. Feather struggled to move his hand, but he was way too strong for her. She even tried biting him, but he showed no sign of pain. "Ryouga-kun! I thought you would be training with my son. What are you doing here?" "I, um, I have to stay here and help get Feather back on her feet, yeah that's it." Ryouga stammered out nervously. Nodoka just nodded, and looked intently at Feather. "Aren't you the girl my son rescued a while back?" Nodoka leaned forward to look a little closer at Feather. Ryouga moved his hand to Feather's shoulder. Feather spared Ryouga a withering glance, but then smiled to Nodoka. "Hi, my name is Feather, it's a pleasure to meet Ranma's mother! You must be so proud to have a son like that!" "I am, but sometimes it seems like his father has been trying to avoid me.." Nodoka sighed. "So, have you found your parents yet?" "It's been so long, I can't even remember them." Feather said softly. Nodoka looked shocked, then tried to comfort the girl. "That's awful! You poor thing..." Nodoka moved and embraced the girl, "What do you plan on doing now?" "Ryouga has started to train me in martial arts, and Ranma said that he wanted to help before he left again. I was thinking about looking for a place to stay for a while, maybe start going to school again." Nodoka nodded at her, "But I don't want to go anywhere without Ryouga. The news may not have said anything about it, but Ranma never would have made it without his help." Ryouga blushed and stammered something unintelligible when Nodoka gave him a startled look. "You helped my son Ryouga? That was very kind of you." Ryouga just rubbed the back of his head self consciously, and laughed a bit. "He's been keeping an eye on me for the last month now, so I feel perfectly safe around him." Feather giggled, and at that sound, both Ranma and Ryouga relaxed. They knew she wasn't going to run off again that night. They all went to sleep shortly after that. Feather bunked with Akane, while Ryouga opted to stay in the same room as Mr. Tendo. The next morning, Feather felt like she had been run over by a train. Her muscles, unused to the amount of exercise she did the previous day, were all complaining. She did her best not to complain, but the others noticed quickly. "Aren't we a bit sore this morning." Nabiki remarked as she passed Feather in the hallway dressed in her school uniform. Feather just gave Nabiki the look of the long suffering, and continued to shuffle towards the breakfast table. Once there, she practically collapsed into her spot at the table. "Oh my, Feather are you sore this morning?" Kasumi asked as she dished out a portion of food for her. Feather sighed. ::So much for trying to hide it from these people.:: "Yeah, I guess I overdid it yesterday." Feather began to eat, ignoring the morning argument between Akane and Ranma. She was in too much personal pain to notice them. "Maybe you should have Akane and Ranko drop you off at Dr. Tofu's and have him take a look at you." Kasumi said cheerfully. Nodoka nodded from where she sat. "That's a good idea Kasumi, I'd take her there myself, but I have to leave again." "So soon? Can't you stay just a bit longer?" Ranko stopped arguing with Akane long enough to look pleadingly at her mother. She ignored the panicked looks a certain panda was giving her. "I'm sorry Ranko, but I really have to be going. I'll be back again to try and catch Ranma and Genma here." Ryouga looked up from his food. "I'll go with you Feather, you don't look like you'd be able to keep up with their morning scramble." Feather looked gratefully at Ryouga. "Thanks Ryouga, It's always nice to have a friend along." Ryouga blushed and fidgeted with his chopsticks, absently breaking them. After breakfast, they scurried off to Dr. Tofu's, Ryouga ended up carrying Feather so that she could keep up. They managed to arrive at Dr. Tofu's office without incident. "Good morning Akane, Ranma," Dr. Tofu greeted them at the door. "How's your leg this morning Ranma?" "Good morning Dr. Tofu, my leg is as good as new, but I do need a bit of hot water, and could you see a friend of ours?" Ranma-chan said. "Of course Ranma, you better hurry on to school, you don't want to be late again this morning." He advised as he handed them a kettle he kept handy for Ranma. Dr. Tofu looked over at Feather and Ryouga. "Why hello there you two, what can I do for you this morning?" He asked them pleasantly. "I think she could use something for sore muscles doctor," Ryouga said, "She's not in the same kind of shape Ranma and I are in, and she's trying to train just as hard." Ryouga shrugged. "Come on in and I'll take a look at you." Dr. Tofu gestured for them to enter. Once inside, Dr. Tofu examined Feather carefully, then applied a salve that he said was a muscle relaxant. He then proceeded to give her a massage to help loosen her tense muscles. When he was done with the massage, Feather decided to ask him about her memories. "Doctor, I need to ask you something." "Go ahead," He said without looking away from the papers he was filling out. "I seem to have lost all of my memories starting a year ago. I can clearly remember back to a certain point, but after that, it's a huge blank. Do you think you can help?" Dr. Tofu gestured for her to sit in a chair, and he looked over her scalp, as if he could see her memories as objects. When he was done looking at her head, he gazed deeply into her eyes, and asked her to follow his finger with her eyes. Feather's heart was pounding in her chest, and she almost screamed just to break the awful silence that had crept into the room, when he spoke. "Someone did something to block your memories. They didn't leave any of the usual tell tale signs, but there is definitely something blocking your memory. Unfortunately, unless we can figure out exactly what was done, I am unable to reverse it. All I can do is touch a shiatsu spot that's supposed to aid a failing memory." He gestured for her to stand, and then traced his finger along her side so gently, she thought she was going to break down laughing. Then he poked his finger into a spot close to the bottom rib. "There, that might be able to help. It won't be apparent right away, but things may start coming back to you." Dr. Tofu said gently as he started leading her to the door. "Thank you Doctor," Feather said as they reached the waiting room. Ryouga was sitting there, absently cracking walnuts between his fingers to amuse an old woman who was also there. When Ryouga noticed that they had come out, he stood and walked over to Feather. They continued walking out to the sidewalk. "You need to take it easy for today, you've strained a bit past your limits yesterday. You should stretch and do your katas, that should keep you from getting stiff again. Try and avoid getting into any fights today ok?" Dr. Tofu said as they were starting to walk away. "Yes doctor." Feather said as they made their way down the street. They started walking slowly, and then Feather looked around. "Umm Ryouga?" "Yeah?" "Where are we?" Feather asked looking around at the different stores and vendors that seemed to surround them. "What are you asking me for? How should I know?" Ryouga replied in a bit of a huff. "Great, just great. Lost again, and this time you don't have your pack with you." Ryouga looked around for someone who might be able to tell them how to get back to the dojo, when he saw a sign. "Perfect, now all we need to do is wait till school gets out." Ryouga said with confidence as he strode up to a restaurant that appeared to be closed. "What makes you so sure of that Ryouga?" Feather asked as she came up to stand next to him. "This place is locked up tight, what makes you think there's someone here that'll help us out?" "This is Ukyou's restaurant, and she'll be glad to help us when she gets out of school." Ryouga replied, sitting down next to the door. "But what if someone comes along and tries to bother us?" Feather asked worriedly. Ryouga grinned viscously as he spoke. "Then I get to vent a little bit." Feather looked a bit shocked. "What's wrong? I'm just a little upset that were lost, that's all. It's not like I'm going to kill anyone." Seemingly mollified, Feather sat down next to Ryouga. She leaned her head on Ryouga's shoulder, and quickly fell asleep. Ryouga was vigilant, and did his best not to disturb Feather no matter what happened. The day seemed to drag on for Ryouga, and he was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable when he noticed something. The sky had gotten dark, and it was starting to look like rain. Almost in a panic, he stood, picked up Feather, and moved them under the awning at the front of Ucchans. He set Feather down next to a mailbox, and he leaned against it. "If it's not one thing, it's another." Ryouga grumbled, drumming his fingers along the side of the box. "I wonder when Ukyou allowed this mailbox to be put here, right in front of her door. Oh well, makes a good leaning post." Inside the mailbox, Tsubasa Kuranai was doing his level best to avoid revealing himself early. He was laying in wait for his dear, dear Ukyou, and nothing was going to stop him this time. Not even some guy who seemed to be purposely doing everything he could to annoy the heck out of him. A few minuets later, the rain started to fall, and Ryouga was glad that the awning was out. He continued to drum his fingers against the mailbox in irritation at the wait. Suddenly losing his patience, Tsubasa popped out of the mailbox and confronted the jerk who was annoying him. "Now look here you..... uh oh." Tsubasa had started to wag a finger at he offender, but then he realized he was facing off against Ryouga Hibiki, one of the strongest fighters in Nerima. "Eh, umm.. Hi there Ryouga. What's up?" Tsubasa giggled a little, fully into his cute girl act now. Ryouga glared at him, and Tsubasa tried his best to look even cuter. Ryouga looked down and started to chuckle. "Still after Ukyou, Kuranai?" Ryouga asked, nonchalantly tossing the remains of the mailbox away. "You know how it is, with unrequited love and all that. I take it you wanted me out of my disguise so you could talk to me is that it?" Tsubasa hadn't even noticed Feather's happily asleep form yet. "I need someone to take me back to the Tendo dojo. I have a friend I'm taking care of, and she really needs to get back there." Ryouga gestured at Feather, and when Tsubasa started to get all starry eyed, Ryouga menaced him with his umbrella. "Don't even think about it." He snarled at the cross dresser. "Don't hurt me!" Tsubasa cringed a little, then spoke "Okay, I'll lead you back to the Tendos, but if I miss seeing my dear Ukyou because of you, I'll find a way to make you pay." Ryouga didn't bother responding to that, he merely picked up Feather, set his umbrella and waited for Tsubasa do lead him onwards. Tsubasa procured an umbrella from somewhere and began to skip around in the rain, leading Ryouga back to the dojo. Just as they left, a black cloaked man stepped out of an alley, and started to follow them. Akane, Ukyou, and Ranma-chan were hurrying to the dojo, the rain, having changed Ranma back into a girl, was already putting Ranma in a bad mood. It didn't help much that Kuno had accosted him, claiming that he had ensorcelled his pigtailed goddess away from him yet again. "Why did if hafta rain today?" Ranma-chan complained. "Don't worry about it too much Ran-chan," Ukyou said cheerfully, "After all, your mother may still be there right now." Ranma-chan grumbled a bit, but inwardly agreed with his friend. "Yeah, but I wouldn't have to if it wasn't for that stupid promise pop made." Ranma-chan fell silent after that, as they were approaching the dojo. Once they were inside, Ranma-chan noticed an unusually large potted plant that wasn't there before. She smirked to herself and waited for the inevitable. As Ukyou tried to pass the plant, it abruptly sprouted arms that hugged her tightly, and Tsubasa's head popped out of the plant as well. "Oh my dear Ukyou! I would you hold you like this forever!" he sighed. Ukyou's face went through several stages of surprise, fear, then anger. "Tsubasa." She said with deceptive calm as she reached for her mega-spatula, "Let go of me!!" Ukyou screamed as she slammed Tsubasa into the next town. Akane whistled as she followed Tsubasa's flight. "I don't think I've ever seen you hit him so far Ukyou," Akane commented. Ukyou was still shaking in rage when they entered the living room with Ranma-chan and Akane. They were a bit surprised to see that Ryouga was sitting on the floor, with Feather resting her head on his lap. He held a single finger up to his lips, and then turned his attention back to the girl in his lap. Ranma ducked into the kitchen for some hot water, and when he came back out, Akane was kneeling next to Ryouga. "Where's everyone else?" Akane asked quietly. "Genma and Mr. Tendo went out somewhere, Kasumi went shopping, Mrs. Saotome left about an hour ago. I haven't seen Nabiki yet." As he spoke, Feather stirred a little, then slowly sat up. She stretched her arms and yawned, then opened her eyes. "Oh, good morning you guys" She said a bit sleepily. Akane and Ukyou giggled a little, while Ranma outright laughed. "What's so funny?" She asked. "It's afternoon now silly" Akane said, a hint of amusement still in her voice. She would have said something else, but there was a popping noise, and a tranquilizer dart hit her, and she collapsed. Ryouga leapt to his feet as more darts flew in. Feather was struck next, and she keeled over again. Ranma was dodging the darts as he tried to figure out who was after them. Ryouga had pulled his umbrella out to use as a shield. Ukyou tried to block the darts with her spatula, but one got past her defenses, and she too collapsed. Seeing that they were getting nowhere fast, Ranma faked getting hit with a dart, and fell in such a way that he could quickly get up and fight. Ryouga continued to block them with his umbrella for a few seconds, until he realized what Ranma was up to. A moment after Ryouga faked his fall, about ten men in black cloaks entered the dojo. "You three grab the girls," One of the men spoke, gesturing towards the fallen girls, "I want you and you to tie the boys up, the boss don't want any boys. The rest of ya get rid of the evidence." As the men started to move towards the fallen girls, Ranma and Ryouga sprang up and attacked. Ranma opened up with an uppercut to the man closest to him, while Ryouga threw one of them into the others. The dart guns were out again in a flash, and Ranma was hit with five tranks at once. He shook his head blearily, and proceeded to kick another one through a wall. Ryouga was hit with three, but he was in a rage, and the drugs were not affecting him at all. "These guys are monsters!" One of the men cried, as Ryouga grabbed the front of his shirt and threw him out of the dojo, ignoring the numerous darts that were sticking in him. Ranma was feeling them, but was determined to fight off these men. He felt his heart sink, however, when another twenty of the cloaked men entered the dojo, and concentrated on knocking out Ryouga. When Ryouga finally fell to the tranks, they turned their attention on Ranma. During the fight, a few of the men were slowly dragging Akane, Ukyou and Feather away. Ranma went into a rage, and attacked the men closest to him with a ki charged kick, and then turned on another few with the kachuu tenshinn amaguriken. He didn't even bother to call out his strikes, he just pulverized anyone who got close to him. Unfortunately, the number of tranks in him were starting to wear on him, and he couldn't dodge them as well. Completely blinded by the tranks, Ranma grabbed the closest thing to him, one of the cloaked men. The cloth tore as Ranma fell heavily to the ground, looking more like a human pin cushion than anything else. His last conscious thought was of Akane, and firmly gripped in his hand was a scrap of cloth, emblazoned with the sign of the Viper and the Blade... _____________________End Chapter Three________________________ Well, that finishes off another chapter of a Feather in the Wind. My schedule at work is changing drastically right now, so it may be more than a month till the next chapter is put out. I only wish I could devote more time to this. I promise, the next chapter will be longer. Feel free to e-mail me with your thoughts and comments. Criticism is also welcome, and even flames are tolerated. Please E-mail me at Take care, and let the wind blow you good fortune. Previous Home Next