I am a Muslimah

My name is Sharifah.

I am a Muslimah,

I wear a khimar,     

and a hijab just like my Ummy.

One day,
 I would like to
 wear a veil like her too, Insha Allah!

When I go outside, I must lower my voice,

But Allah says it is better for me to stay  inside.

but I don't mind because . . .

I can help wash baby brother
 in the bathtub . . .

and play and splash when
I 'm finished while I'm cleaning the tub!

I can take my little brother
to the potty. . .

and then get a sticker for being a BIG helper!

I can help make cookies . . .

and then play with the bubbles
when I wash the dirty dishes.

I can play tea party with my Abi .

Sometimes my Abi takes
 me places by myself
 (--without the boys)

Or sometimes we all go to the park!

Sometimes I like to pray
with my family.

I make sure I have my khimar,
hijab, and socks.

 I have a kunyah just like Umm Ibrahim, my Ummy.
My kunyah is Umm 'Arusa.
    'Arusa is doll in Arabic so I am mother of my doll!
(by the way, 'Arusa wears a khimar and hijab like me sometimes)

My name is
Sharifah  . . .

I am a Muslimah . . .


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