
Year 2000

January 2001

February 2001

March 2001

April 2001

May 2001

Stuff that I think about, things that occur to me, problems I face... you know, musings about everyday life.  I try to write an entry at least once a week.  Sometimes they're personal, sometimes they're political, sometimes they're optimistic and sometimes they're cynical.  Just like me.  A quick window into my life at any particular moment.  Check it out.





These are trip journals.  Europe took place in the summer of 1998.  I went to Ireland in October of 2000.  They include daily entries and lots of photos.




Ireland Political Prisoners Human Rights
Statements from the IRA Leonard Peltier Exxon Mine
Mumia Abu-Jamal

Pretty much straightforward.  These are issues that I think are important.  They are the issues that I try and stay on top of, and I'm sharing them with you.  Collect information.  Make your own opinions.  Think for yourself.  Communicate.  Educate.  Demonstrate.



Other Writings and Contributions

A Contribution to the Zine "Drop Out" - 1998

William- A story of a man I once knew




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