Chip off the old block or not?

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Disclaimer: The characters of Hercules and Iolaus belong to Renaissance Pictures. No money is being made from this story. This story is written for entertainment purposes only.

Summary: Hercules discovers that he is the Son of Zeus.

Author’s Note: This story is written in response to the April 2003 challenge started by Mary E to write a story in which Hercules finds out that he is the Son of Zeus.


“Thanks Alchemene..I knew I could count on you..As soon as I knew my father was home, I knew I could come here to stay with you..”

“ is always a pleasure having you here..don’t you know I love you like my own?”

“” Iolaus blushes

“Come on have to drink this tea if you want your fever to go down..”

“Alchemene, I’m so sorry for getting sick while I was here”

“Going hunting for wild boars in the rain can get you sick, especially since you and Hercules were running around in wet clothes during the winter..what did you expect Iolaus?”

“Herc and I saw that huge wild boar that everybody has been trying to hunt down and when my arrow shot true and the boar came down..I just had to have Herc carry it into town! And now that wild boar can’t hurt anyone ever again!”

Alchemene smiles fondly at Iolaus’ enthusiasm as she is briefly reminded of the man he was to become who someday in the far future would rescue Alchemene and an unborn Hercules from the ravages of a crazy blonde haired goddess. Iolaus had such a generous heart that he would rather sacrifice his life or his well being in this case for the welfare of others and he was already a town hero at the tender age of 9.

Alchemene ruffles his golden locks as she says “You saved this town from a wild boar and I am very proud of are a hero..”

Iolaus ducks his head shyly, unaccustomed to taking praise as he replies “Aw shucks, Alchemene, I didn’t do anything special..”

“Come on Iolaus..drink up your tea..are you feeling hot?

“Aw come on ‘Mene, I’m not feeling feverish..can’t I go outside just for a little while?”

“ are staying tucked up in bed until I say you are well enough to get out..Am I making myself clear?”

“Aw come I’m the one who always gets come Herc never gets sick? He was out in the cold rain too you know! It’s just not fair!”

Alchemene quietly chuckles as she looks at Iolaus’ puppy dog eyes and she shakes her head. “Now come on Iolaus..I’m tucking you in now..Hercules will be home from school soon and I want you well rested so you can play with him..”

“How come he’s not sick ‘ didn’t answer my question?” asks Iolaus knowing that his Mene is keeping a big secret from him because she evaded his eyes when he asked about why Hercules never gets sick.

Iolaus drinks his tea and the soothing effect of the tea relaxes little Iolaus as he sinks back into the delicious softness of his mattress. Alchemene kisses Iolaus on his forehead and moves into the kitchen to fix the sick boy some more tea. Quietness reigns in the house as Iolaus closes his eyes and he can hear the crickets outside his window and he can hear Alchemene moving about the kitchen. As she cooks the noon meal, the odors of roast pork, and onion soup wafts into Iolaus’ room.

Iolaus drinks in the wondrous smells of the he leans contentedly into his pillows. Ah..this is the life! Herc doesn't know how lucky he is to have a mother like Alchemene..oh and the smell of that's like heaven on earth..

Suddenly an unfamiliar sound jars Iolaus out of his reverie. Voices..loud angry voices can be heard from the kitchen. Iolaus scratches his head as he who is in the kitchen with Alchemene? Iolaus strains to hear what is being said. He hears the loud angry voice of Alchemene. Is it a burglar? Do I need to defend her? Is she in danger? Resolutely, our little hero crawls out of his comfortable bed to rescue the fair maiden Alcmene from the clutches of whatever evil villain has his dirty claws on his Alchemene. However what he hears instead stuns him.

“Zeus..I have told you..more than once..Hercules is just too young to know that you are his father..”

“Alchemene..I am Zeus..King of the Gods..I believe that it is time that young Hercules knows the truth that I, Zeus, am his father”

“I don’t care  if you are Zeus..Hercules is MY son and I will decide when it is time to tell him the truth”

Iolaus’ eyes grow wide as saucers as he tries to wrap his mind around the concept that Hercules’ father is Zeus..not Amphyitrion. Wow..thinks Iolaus. My best friend is a demigod. Well that sure explains why Hercules has so much strength and why he is able to lift a wagon off the ground so that Old man Fargus could fix his broken axle and why Hercules is already the tallest boy in his class even though he is only 7 years old. The son of a god..the Son of Zeus..boy wait until I tell Herc..he’ll be thrilled to know he’s practically a cool! Iolaus ponders excitedly.

“Mortals! Can never understand them..Just mark my word Alchemene I will tell my son that I am his father sooner than later!” Zeus disappears in an angry cloud of gray.

Alchemene shakes her head in disgust “Gods..they are so damn arrogant and so full of themselves!”

Alchemene loads her food tray with an assorted array of snacks little pieces of roast pork slathered in gravy and onions.

Iolaus runs to his bed and waits for his food tray with anticipation. Just then, Hercules arrives home from school.

“Hey Herc..welcome back from school! What brings you back so early?”

“Oh the teacher had to leave early because one of her babies is sick with colic fever so she gave us a half day..” as Hercules absently takes a piece of roast pork from Iolaus’ food tray and stuffs it into his mouth, eating and talking at the same time.

“You know won’t believe what happened today!”

“What Iolaus?”

“I saw Zeus in the kitchen with Mene today!”

Hercules bends over an puts his hand on Iolaus forehead to check for fever.

Iolaus pushes Hercules’ hand away in annoyance as he replies “Herc..I wasn’t hallucinating..and it wasn’t a feverish delusion..I swear..I saw Zeus and Mene yelling at each other!”

Iolaus felt okay. He didn’t have a fever as Hercules digested this piece of information so he figured that Iolaus didn’t make this up and that Zeus had actually visited his home.

“Really..Iolaus why would the King of Gods visit Mother’s kitchen?”

“Oh won’t believe what they were arguing about?”

Hercules starts to get annoyed as Iolaus is obviously enjoying drawing the topic out.

“Iolaus..” growls Hercules.

“Okay okay..I’ll give it up..but you’d better sit down for this..cause this is BIG!”

Iolaus leans over and whispers into Hercules’ ear “I heard Zeus say that HE is your father!”

Hercules practically falls off his seat “What! I’m Amphiytrion’s son. Mother says so.”

Iolaus shakes his golden head “Not according to Zeus!..Zeus was angry because he wants to tell you himself..but Mene says you’re too young to know about that..”

“I don’t believe you..Iolaus and this is not funny!”

“Herc..honestly..I’m not joking..pinky swear!”

“I’m really the Son of Zeus…I ..I can’t believe..”

Alchemene tries to discreetly walk in as she has overheard the majority of the conversation and she takes her son into her arms and softly apologizes “I’m sorry Hercules..I should have told you sooner..I was just trying to protect you son..I love you so much..”

Hercules looks shocked and horrified at them both “ can’t be the Son of Zeus..” Hercules bolts out the door with tears running down his face.

Alchemene tries to go after Hercules but he is just too quick and so Iolaus runs after Hercules..”Herc wait..up for me!”

Hercules stands outside in his mother’s garden still trembling with shock and reaction. “Iolaus..I don’t want to be the Son of Zeus..I want to be normal like you….not some freak..”

“’re not a’re..”

“Iolaus..don’t you understand..I’m not fully mortal and I’m not fully a God..I don’t belong anywhere..and I’ve got the blood of the gods running through my veins..the Gods are petty and that how I’m going to grow up to be..petty and cruel like the gods?”

Hercules' emotions are in a turmoil. He cannot see the trees from the forest. Instead he sees his life flashing by his eyes. Images of him as the mighty demigod living in a temple having worshippers at his feet for some inexpliquable reason sends shudders up and down his spine. He doesn't want people to like him just because he's the son of Zeus..he wants people to like him because he's just plain Hercules..the son of Alchemene.. Then he sees a picture of himself mistreating people..being selfish and vain as he spends his time ordering people around. No, I could never order Mother or Iolaus around. But what if my blood or my heritage change me. What if blood is thicker than water and it's in my divine nature to be cruel and petty like the other Gods..what if they can't help what they are because of their blood..Oh no..I can't let them happen..I can't..What should I do in that case? What exactly does being a demigod mean? How will the blood of Zeus affect me? How much stronger will I get? Will I accidentally hurt someone? Kill someone? Kill Iolaus by accident? Oh my god no! This is a nightmare. None of this is real. Hercules pinches himself and sure enough the pinch hurt like Hades. Damn..I'm awake and this is a living nightmare! Hercules starts to get hysterical as his mind comes up with all sorts of nightmarish scenarios. Maybe I will become a danger to society! I'm not a full mortal and I'm not a full God..will that combination make me go crazy? Who will control my strength if I go crazy! I can't put Mother and Iolaus in danger..What do I do? What do I do? Hercules' eyes dilate wildly as he becomes more and more confused.

Iolaus takes Hercules by the biceps and shakes him and then he turns Hercules’ head so that Hercules is forced to look directly into Iolaus’ eyes as Iolaus states “First of all, you belong here. You are the son of Alchemene, brother to Iphicles and you are my best friend. Second, you may have the blood of the gods in your veins..but you have your mother’s heart..kind..compassionate..don’t you remember how you saved Old man’s Fargus’ back when you lifted that old wheelbarrow so that he could fix his axle?”

“But Iolaus..I’m not like everyone else..I’m different..”

“So what!..Different is good. Think of it this way..when you grow up you will have the strength of the Gods..and the heart of a hero..think of what a legend you will be..using your strength to help people weaker than yourself..who knows maybe you’ll grow up to be some sort of champion against the help defend mortals against the bad Gods isn’t that great?”

“Well..” starts Hercules reluctantly..”if you put it that way..maybe..but still..I don’t want to grow up to Apollo..vain and selfish..I want to be.."

Iolaus shakes his head at Hercules. Here Herc has the blood of the Gods running through his veins. Any other guy would be jumping up and down with joy at finding out that he's related to royalty. Nope, not Herc. He's definitely not a chip off the old block. Herc's definitely inherited his mother's heart. Herc's kind, compassionate and caring. Like his mother, he wants to take care of other people and help them as best he can. I know that Herc's not going to grow up like the other Gods. Somehow I just can't picture Herc wanting people to build him a temple of worship. Herc's just too damn shy for his own good.I can see the possibilities. Herc's going to be famous. People will build statues to him. He will become a hero for the people. He will save princesses from the bad guys. Being related to Zeus will get him perks like getting free food wherever he goes because everyone will want to have Hercules in their restaurant. Yes, definitely perks to being a friend to a demigod. Iolaus licks his lips as he thinks of all the free food he would get in the future. But first things first, he must get Hercules to see the bright side to being the Son of Zeus.

Iolaus loves Hercules with all his heart. He doesn't like seeing Hercules all confused like this. With his generous spirit, he wants to help Hercules to the best of his ability. And he knows that he will always to by Hercules' side. After all being a demigod and champion of the people will not be an easy gig. Herc's going to need someone to talk to..someone he can relate to..someone who will not put him on a pedestal and hero worship him. Definitely not. I will not worship my best friend. Yeah, that's it..I'll tell Herc that as long as we're friends everything will be smooth sailing and nothing can come between us..not even the cruel and petty gods.

“Hey long as you have me by your side..I will make sure you never grow up to be a sorry-ss God who sticks his nose up at everyone..okay? I’ll always make sure that you don’t ever talk down to me or anyone and I’ll make sure that the great Hercules will never get too full of himself? Deal?”

“Deal..You know always know how to talk sense..and I love you” Hercules gives Iolaus a big tight bear hug.

“Okay Herc..glad to help..just let me go..I can’t breathe..”

“Oh sorry” as an embarrassed Hercules literally drops Iolaus to the floor. And Iolaus lands with a thud on his derriere.

“Hey..ow!” Iolaus gets up and wipes the dirt off his derriere and rubs the sore muscles in his derriere where Hercules accidently dropped him.

Iolaus chuckles as he sees how embarrassed Hercules now is for accidentally using too much of his god given strength to squeeze the life out of him. Nope, being Herc's friend will never get boring and that's how I like it. I'm glad that Herc is starting to see things my way and that is how great it is to be Son of Zeus. I bet that will come in useful someday when we have to beat up a dragon someday. Zeus can then appear out of nowhere and save both their necks! Now that would be fun. And then the villagers would reward them as heroes for killing the dragon and the villagers will hold a big feast..yep more free food..being heroes will be fun with Hercules.

I will watch Hercules' back and he will watch mine. Who cares what blood runs through Herc's veins. Herc takes everything way too serious. He needs to learn to just relax and hang back. Go with the flow.

"So just think Herc..a life of adventure..intrigue.just you and me Herc..on the road..fighting the good fight together..and with your god given strength..we will be unbeateable..there won't be anything we can't defeat..monsters..hydras..dragons..people will love statues of their children after us..make action figure dolls of the world's our oyster..Herc!"

Hercules gives Iolaus a warm smile as he takes in Iolaus' thoughts. Of course Iolaus is always right. He's always right about everything. He knows how to hunt, how to track, how to bag a rabbit and he's never shy with people. If Iolaus says being a demigod is going to be good, then it's going to be good. Suddenly the world was not such a dark and scary place anymore as Hercules fondly ruffles Iolaus' hair absentmindedly.

"Okay Iolaus..if you say it's going to be grand..then it will be..I trust you with everything..and Mom..I "

Alchemene smiles as she listens to Iolaus comforting Hercules and she knows that in the future, it will be Iolaus who will always be comforting Hercules and acting as his anchor to humanity. With Iolaus around, Hercules will never grow up to be a petty cruel God.

“Hercules..son..are you feeling better?”

“Yes Mom”

“Just remember this, you have MY heart. And you are being raised by ME so you will NOT turn out to be petty and cruel because I will teach you manners.” Alchemene gives her son a tender hug and kisses Hercules on the top of his head.

Alchemene decides to give both her sons of the heart a big group hug and says to them both “Just remember that as long as you both have each two will be an unbeatable team..and not even the gods can defeat the love that you two have for each me I’m your mother..I know best.”

"Hercules..look at long as you have love in your will never become selfish and petty..I love son..with all my heart.."

" Ah Mom..ah Iolaus..I love you both" Hercules impulsively hugs the two people he loves the most in the world. As long as I have both of you in my life, I know I have nothing to worry about"


Up on Olympus, Zeus watches with an satisfied air knowing that Hercules will not grow up to be like his other children. Zeus knows that Hercules will be the future of humanity with his best friend, Iolaus at his side. Zeus chuckles to himself as he watches Hercules struggle with who he is.

Hercules is the only one of my children who isn't thrilled to find out that he is the Son of Zeus. None of the demigods or demigoddesses that I have fathered through the centuries have ever reacted the way Hercules has. I think this time the Fates have delivered me a unique son--different from all my other children. In fact, all my other children love being the son or daughter of Zeus and relish the fact that they are descended from the Gods. And they tend to treat the other mortals around them as inferior just because they have the blood of the Gods running through their veins. It's quite refreshing and somewhat surprising to see Little Hercules act absolutely horrified at the idea of being my son.

I think it was a good idea teaming Hercules up with a mortal. Perhaps that's what makes Hercules different from the rest. It's the Iolaus factor. Chalk it up to Iolaus to see the good side of being different. It's too bad Iolaus isn't one of my brood I can use a god like him on Olympus.Why he could keep all the others in line just by his giggle.I am glad I deliberately let Iolaus overhear my conversation with Alchemene. Alchemene is just too stubborn and if left up to her she would rather never tell Hercules about me. But knowing the insatiable curiosity of little Iolaus, I knew I could count on him to tell Hercules the truth right away rather than waiting until Hercules is older.Sometimes being A God can be so much fun--like the night I tricked Alchemene into thinking that I was her husband. And oh that was the happiest night of my life! And now I have Hercules as my reward. Iolaus fills Hercules with an emotional strength that my other children just do not have. I have to keep my eye on Hercules because I think he will be the only one of my sons who will be greater than I.

Zeus opens the scrying window and watches the mortal world below. Hercules has accepted quite happily that he is the Son of Zeus. Even now, he plays and wrestles with Iolaus. Oh dear that Iolaus is quite a handful..he is tickling Hercules and has Hercules in a tackle. Now that Hercules knows his roots, it will soon be time for me to introduce myself to him and introduce him to his half brothers and half sisters. Zeus closes the scrying window and decides that soon he will show himself to Hercules. I have good looks, regal bearing and I am extremely intelligent. Hercules is a chip off the old block. He definitely has my good looks, my intelligence and well he still has to work on his regal bearing. I will make Hercules heir to Olympus because once Hercules grows up, I intend to make him a full God. With a stalwart heart like Hercules, he can protect me from the perfidy of the other Gods. Zeus rubs his hands in anticipation as he plans on finding the right time to introduce himself to Hercules.