Male Goldfinch

Male Purple Finch

Chipping Sparrow


Male Ruby-throated hummingbird

Female ruby-throated

See the white spot behind the eye

See this female stick her tongue out a little...

Hummers have LONG tongues!!

The coastal region is no longer the only place in Maine where one can see seagulls. Many have moved inland. Here are some who live at the beach on Little Wassakeag Lake in Dexter, Maine:

A lot of folks don't like seagulls, but I think they are a pretty bird.

These two perch high to take in the sights.

This one stands on a rock.

This one stands in the water.

And this one rides the wind.


I love watching ospreys. Unlike the seagull, the osprey is difficult to photograph. They won't let you anywhere near them!! To photograph the osprey, you need luck, a strong zoom lens, and LOTS of patience. AND you have to remember that you are there to PHOTOGRAPH them...not just WATCH them!!

I caught this one flying near her nest on one of the back roads between Dexter and Ripley.

Here she is as she hovers over her nest.

This one has a nest on the power line near Harlow Pond in Parkman. That is a large fish of some sort that it is carrying in its claws. Wouldn't come close enough to get a good clear shot.

This one carries a big stick back to its nest on the Crawford Road in Dexter.

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