Luke 12:16-21

Are you making Kingdom preparation.

If I were to ask for a show of hands this morning of all the people in this room who are making preparation to be with the lord, I am sure that every hand will go up.

No one will readily admit that they are not all that they should be and express a need to come to know the lord better.

You see before we cry out for our love or lack of love for God we rather to keep it to our self, because after all they think that I am save and if were to go and ask for salvation this morning what will they think.

But this morning some body under the sound of my voice need to know that if you don’t know Jesus as you lord and your all and all, the shame is not in anyone else but in you.

We the so-called Christian has made it to seem like we were always saved, like we can do no wrong and has even developed an attitude towards those that are not saved. Some time it is that attitude that we have that keep others from coming into the church, the Church used to be a place of love, a place where you can go and get understanding, but all that has changed.

But this morning I have good news to you don’t know Jesus, you see while the church has become full of herself, Jesus remains the same.

He still wants to save the prostitutes, and the adultery, the dope dealer, and the alcoholic, he is still concern about the broken and the distress, the lost and those that are hungry

For he came to seek and to save and give his life a ransom for many

Today the cry and the push is to get rich, each person wants to own their little piece of America, it seems like to more God allows us to have the greater our need becomes, speak of a time when all we wanted was a car, then we got that , then we decided that we wanted a car like the one the neighbor had , and we wanted a computer because the neighbor had one and so you mortgage yourself up to your eyeball to achieve the riches of this world.

But you need to know that the bible says the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh and the pride of this life are going to be your end.

All the race that we run to gather the riches of the earth profits us nothings when we die, naked you came into this world and naked shall you return.

But it is time you start making Kingdom preparation, you see there is a place that is prepared for your and I and laid up with God in glory, I heard Jesus say that he is going to prepare a place, so that where he is there shall you be also, the Bible says that in his father’s house there are many mansion

You need to start making Kingdom preparation, start seeking after the riches of Heaven, start seeking after Jesus for your riches shall be spent by other men.

The bible says that there was a man, didn’t give this man a name, just called him "the rich young ruler" but this morning let call him Jerry, the bible says in luke 18 that Jerry came to Jesus and declared Master all that you commanded have I done from my youth on up, what must what must I do to inherit eternal life and just said unto him go and sell all that you own and distribute it to the poor and thou shall have treasures in heaven and come and follow me.

And the bible said that Jerry went away sad, because he was very rich. Jesus declared that it will be easy for a Carmel to enter through the eyes of a needle than it will be for a rich man to enter.