The Card List
Here is a list for all the cards in the first edition of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.
Gotta collect em' all!
h* = rare foil card u = uncommon card c = common card
1 Alakazaam                *h 27 Farfetch'd 53 Magnemite c 79 Super Energy Removal *
2 Blastoise           *h 28 Growlithe              u 54 Metapod                  c 80 Defender                   u
3 Chansey            *h 29 haunter                 u 55 Nidoran male           c 81 Energy Retrieval       u
4 Charizard          *h 30 Ivysaur                 u 56 Onix                         c 82 Full Heal                    u
5 Clefairy             *h 31Jynx                       u 57 Pidgey                      c 83 Mantienance             u
6 Gyrados             *h 32 Kadabra                u 58 Pikachu                    c 84 Plus Power                 u
7 Hitmonchan        *h 33 Kakuna                 u 59 Poliwag                    c 85 Pokemon Center       u
8 Machamp           *h 34 Machoke              u 60 Ponyta                     c 86 Pokemon Flute          u
9 Magneton           *h 35 MagicKarp           u 61 Rattata                    c 87 Pokedex                    u
10 Mewtwo            *h 36 Magmar                u 62 Sandshres                 c 88 Professor Oak          u
11 NidoKing           *h 37 Nidorino                u 63 Squirtle                     c 89 Revive                     u
12 Ninetales           *h 38 Poliwhirl                u 64 Starmie                    c  90 Super Potion           u
13 Poliwrath           *h 39 Porygon                 u 65 Staryu                       c 91 Bill                           c 
14 Raichu               *h 40 Raticate                 u 66 Tangela                     c 92 Full Heal                  c
15 Venusaur           *h 41 Seel                        u 67 Voltorb                      c 93 Gust of Wind            c
16 Zapdos               *h 42 Wartortle              u 68 Vulpix                        c 94 Potion                       c
17 Beedrill              * 43 Abra                      c 69 Weedle                      c 95 switch                      c
18 Dragonair           * 44 Bulbasaur              c 70 Clefairy Doll              * 96 Double Colorless Energy                        u
19 Dugtrio               * 45 caterpie                 c 71 Computer Search       * 97 Fighting Energy
20 Electrabuzz         * 46 Charmander          c 72 Devolution Spray       * 98 Fire Energy
21 Electrode            * 47 Diglet                     c 73 Imposter Professor Oak * 99 Grass Energy
22 Pidgeotto             * 48 Dodou                    c 74 Item Finder                * 100 Lightning Energy
23 Arcanine              u 49 Drowzee                c 75 Lass                            * 101 Psychic Energy
24 Charmeleon         u 50 Gastly                    c 76 Pokemon Breeder      * 102 Water Energy
25 Dewgong              u 51 Koffing                  c 77 Pokemon Trader        *
26 Dratini                 u 52 Machop                 c 78 Scoop Up                    *