Cedar Lane Ride Report

Twenty-three Shamrock Road Riders traveled on thirteen bikes/trikes and in one four-wheeler to Cedar Lane Supper Club in McRae for dinner on June 3.

Those going on this outing were Jimmy & Dale Puckett, Al & Frances Starley, Ben & Martha Jo Maddox, Eugene & Kenneth Kyzer, Wayne & Jewell Dennard, David Schroeder, Jerry & Melody Watson, Jeff Maddox & his girlfriend, George & Suzanne Kea, Roger & Carol Rowell, Jeff & Donna Puckett, Mike & Beth Couey, & Suzette Williams. Shasta & John Marchant, and Chad Puckett & his girlfriend, Denae, joined us at the restaurant for a total of twenty-seven.

The ride was really a mixed bag, with four 1500 two-wheelers, two 1500 trikes, one 1200 wing, one Shadow, one Magna, one Road King, two Electra-Glides, and one car. Yep, that's right, Hondas and Harleys on the same ride, and everybody got along great! Really, we value our Harley riders just as much as any other riders. The more the merrier. Hopefully we can pick up some more of the local Harley crowd in the future to ride with us.

Dinner at Cedar Lane was superb as usual. If you haven't been, you've missed a treat. Not only is the food great, but the setting is beautiful, nestled in the pine trees alongside a lake. Hopefully we'll get to do this one again soon!

By the way, Ben & Jeff appreciated the heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday!"

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