Highlander Fanfiction

Was A Horseman
Title: Was A Horseman  

Author: Trace (Ashkyla@yahoo.com)

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own the characters.(Except Methos-yeah, right!) I'm also not making any money off of this, and I'm only doing it because I hated the way the entire 'Horseman' thing was handled.

Spoilers: Up to Comes a Horseman, and pretty much anything that had Methos in it at all. I have no clue what season it was.

Rating: R. Violence, alluded and real.

Summary: Can't say much without giving it away. Suffice it to say that I decided to tweak history on the show a little.

Feedback: Mandatory.

Notes: Be warned, I was in a 'let's give Methos a history' mood when I wrote
this...so, for those of you who are convinced that Methos rode with the Horsemen because he was an evil bastard, turn back now. Those of you who want his *true* motivation,read onward.

Title: Interview With the Real Old Guy

Author: Trace (Ashkyla@yahoo.com)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Not my house, not my car, not the computer I'm typing this on (Back, you Dillard's fiends, back!), and *certainly* not Methos.(I wish!). If you sue me, all you will get is me laughing hysterically in your face, and handing you a lovely stack of bills.

Summary: This is from Methos' point of view, about Quickenings, and Immortality in general.

Notes: The song is 'Until It Sleeps', by Metallica, from the S&M album.(Yeah,I know it was on another album before that, but I like this one better!)

// denotes lyrics, * denotes emphasis.

Title: All the Small Things

Author: Trace (Ashkyla@yahoo.com)

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own anything. I'se broke, and suing
me isn't worth the time and effort it would take. Seriously.

Summary: Cassandra gets her vengeance, but is it really what she expected?

Rating: R, violence, reference to rape, torture, etc. Prolly graphic
depiction of the aforementioned crimes. If you're squeamish, don't read it.
If you're a young-un, don't read it.

Feedback: Is craved. Don't make me beg.

Note: This is the first story in a series.

Sidenote: This takes place shortly after the confrontation in Bordeaux, and I
refuse to believe that Archangel *or* Endgame ever happened. Connor and
Richie are both very much alive, and instrumental in this piece. Or at least
they will be. ::weg::

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