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Do What You Have to Do...
by Tracy Vettier-Chevalier
Title: Do What You Have To Do (1/1)

Author: Trace (VvVWerewolfVvV@aol.com)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If you sue, you'll get laughed at and handed a lovely stack of bills. I'm just borrowing the characters, and will return them in one piece. Though Angel might be a bit late. You all know who they really belong to.

The lyrics belong to Sarah Maclachlan and are on the album 'Surfacing'.


Summary: Can't say much without giving it away. I *will* however, say that this is a direct result of someone saying I don't write enough angst. You know who you are. You should've known better than to challenge me, too. It leads to scariness.

Notes: ' * ' denotes emphasis, '/ /' denotes lyrics, '//' denotes thoughts, since '<' seems to turn everything into italics.