I am originally from Texas, but with my father being in the military, I have lived all over the world. I have lived in places such as Iran, Germany and Hawaii, just to name a few.  I don't know when my appreciation of art started but I have always had a fascination for creating.  I have been artistic since I can remember.  My father, is incredibly talented, which is where I get this talent from.  Unlike my father (who can draw anything on the spur of the moment) I have to have an idea and image to go from.  When I was little I used to visit my grandparents in Florida and my grandmother used to teach me how to draw "glamorous women."  It was always a side profile, with curly hair, pin curl waves to be exact and a mink stole. Ever since then I have always created or doodled female characters.  I have never taken an art class other than your typical elementary or high school art.  For some reason, without rhyme or reason I always catch myself drawing flowers and caricature type of pictures.  So I decided why not try and paint them.  Acrylics seemed easy enough, looked fun, so I thought let's do it.  I went and purchased a canvas pad, small tubes of paint, brushes and a couple of small canvases.  After the first week of trying I was hooked.  Once I start painting I can get so hooked and do it the whole day without a break for anything.  I did the first one which I thought was really good for the first one.  Then I did a few more and they got better and better each time.  I did one for my neighbor and gave it to her as a gift because I thought it was SO good.  Then about a month or two later I decided I would set up my website and take photos of them all.  Asked my neighbor to see hers and to my surprise it was horrible.  I had progressed so much that hers looked like a child did it. The lines were horrible the colors were patchy....I was a bit embarrassed and promised her I would make another one for her.  My neighbor being so kind was like "no, it is still really good, you just keep getting better."  Too kind.  Now I am pleased with most of the art I have been turning out.  And hope that potential customers will be as well.  I plan on branching out and including more than just the "Fabulous Women" and "Flowers" to include more animals and possibly other cool categories.  I am trying to get any exposure I can.  I hope you enjoy the site!





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