Pope |
Location of the coat of arms |
Notes |
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Sergius IV
Pietro Bocca di Porco 1009-1012 |
Coat of arms in S. Giovanni in Laterano (1852 Map of Rome) |
XVIIth century coat of arms designed by Francesco Borromini |
N. A. |
Innocent II
Gregorio Papareschi 1130-1143 |
Coat of arms in S. Maria in Trastevere (1852 Map of Rome) |
XXth century coat of arms |
Alexander III
Rolando Bandinelli 1159-1181 |
Coat of arms in S. Giovanni in Laterano (1852 Map of Rome) |
XVIIth century coat of arms designed by Francesco Borromini |
N. A. |
Innocent III
Lotario dei Conti di Segni 1198-1216 |
Coat of arms in S. Giovanni in Laterano (1852 Map of Rome) |
XIXth century coat of arms |
Adrian V
Ottobono de' Fieschi 1276 |
Coat of arms in S. Francesco in Viterbo |
Monument built in the XIVth century |
Honorius IV
Jacopo Savelli 1285-1287 |
Coat of arms in S. Maria in Aracoeli (1852 Map of Rome) |
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Nicholas IV
Gerolamo Masci 1288-1292 |
Coat of arms in S. Maria del Popolo (1852 Map of Rome)
| XVIIth century coat of arms |
Celestine V
Pietro da Morrone 1294 |
Coat of arms in the Bishop's palace of Perugia
With those of other popes in a relatively modern painting |
Boniface VIII
Benedetto Caetani 1294 -1303 |
Coat of arms in the Cathedral of Anagni |
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Benedict XI
Niccolò Boccasini 1303 -1304 |
Coat of arms in Gesta Pontificum Romanorum by Giovanni Palazzo Venice 1688 |
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Clement V
Bertrand de Goth 1305-1314 |
Coat of arms in the Bishop's palace of Perugia |
With those of other popes in a relatively modern painting |
Jacques Arnaud d'Euse 1316 -1334 |
Coat of arms in Gesta Pontificum Romanorum by Giovanni Palazzo Venice 1688 |
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Benedict XII
Jacques Fournier 1334 -1342 |
Coat of arms in Gesta Pontificum Romanorum by Giovanni Palazzo Venice 1688 |
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Clement VI
Pierre Roger de Beaufort 1342-1352 |
Coat of arms in the Palace of the Popes in Avignon |
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Innocent VI
Stephan d'Aubert 1352 -1362 |
Coat of arms in St. Gines' in Madrid |
Modern |
Urban V
Guillaume de Grimoard 1362-1370 |
Coat of arms in Porta S. Francesco in Assisi |
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Gregory XI
Pierre Roger de Beaufort 1370-1378 |
Coat of arms in S. Giovanni
in Laterano (1852 Map of Rome) |
XIXth century coat of arms |
Urban VI
Bartolomeo Prignano 1378-1389 |
Coat of arms on his tomb in the Grotte Vaticane
in S. Pietro (1852 Map of Rome) |
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Boniface IX
Pietro Tomacelli 1389-1404 |
Coat of arms on his statue in S. Paolo fuori le Mura |
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Innocent VII
Cosimo de' Migliorati 1404 -1406 |
Coat of arms in Gesta Pontificum Romanorum by Giovanni Palazzo Venice 1688 |
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Gregory XII
Angelo Correr 1406-1415 |
Coat of arms in the Cathedral of Siena |
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Alexander V
Pietro Filargis 1409-1410 |
Coat of arms in the monastery of S. Francesco
a Ripa (1852 Map of Rome) |
The pope was elected by a group of cardinals in Pisa; the coat of arms is part of a XVIIth century painting |
Baldassare Cossa 1410-1415 |
Coat of arms in Palazzo Comunale of Bologna |
The pope was elected by a group of cardinals in Pisa; the coat of arms is part of a XVIIth century painting |
Martin V
Oddone Colonna 1417-1431 |
Small coats of arms in towns around Rome (Barbarano, Todi and Genazzano) |
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Eugenius IV
Gabriele Condulmero 1431-1447 |
Coat of arms in Palazzo Vecchio of San Gemini |
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Nicholas V
Tommaso Parentucelli 1447-1455 |
Coat of arms in S. Stefano Rotondo (1852 Map of Rome) |
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Calixtus III
Alfonso Borgia 1455-1458 |
Coat of arms in Ponte Milvio
With that of his nephew Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia who will become Pope Alexander VI in 1492 |
Pius II
Enea Silvio Piccolomini 1458-1464 |
Coats of arms on the Walls of Rome |
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Paul II
Pietro Barbo 1464-1471 |
Coat of arms in Palazzetto Venezia (1852 Map of Rome) |
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