A Volcanic Zeolite, Odor Eliminator       |     home
Indoor Air Pollution
Do certain smells or odors annoy you? Do you have chemical sensitivity, do you suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). A $3 billion dollar market exists today for odor-masking agents which are designed to coverup problem odors & gases you can detect with your nose. They only temporarily mask the odors, and they actually add chemicals and worsen the problem of indoor air pollution. Zeolite absorbs the odors & gases which cause them, it doesn't just mask them! Here are some further tips for reducing indoor air pollution: use only non-toxic, non-odor emitting cleaning products, purchase enviromentally safe building products, fabrics  and carpets. Choose paints & stains with low odor formulas that don't contain formaldehyde and other volatile compounds. Do not use unvented kerosene heaters. Have a professional inspect, clean and adjust oil & gas-fired furnaces. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned professionally also. Purchase of a  hepa type furnace air filter or portable hepa air cleaner will improve the quality of your indoor air.
