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Shopping Carts

by Jeff Stebane

First off, don't laugh.  I have this funny problem.  I am afraid of shopping carts.  Ok, maybe I should start off slower.  You see it all started when I stopped working at a "real job".  As most of you know the band is my only income.  So I started not leaving the house except when we play.

This is the beginning of it all...

I quit working a forty hours a week job.  I was surrounded by people all the time.  I loved to talk, in fact I did that more than work.  All was great.  Then I realized that the band was taking up more time than I could handle unless I would quit my job.  So that is what I did.

About a week after I quit working I stopped in to Wal-Mart.  The place was packed.  I started feeling like everything was closing in.  The isles were so close together and people are always behind you trying to go faster.  I found myself in the frame and home furnishings section even though I didn't need anything but I realized that it was "dead" over there.  So, I waited until I was clear and went to the movie section got my movie and ran like Hell to the parking lot.  Whew, once I get out the doors I am fine.

So, you are asking your self what does that have to do with the shopping cart?  I was wondering that too.  You see I found I can go to a place like Media Play or Menards.  Places that don't have shopping carts or at least not as many.

So what do I do?  As of right now I tell myself that it is silly and go to the store late at night.  (Wal-Mart is 24 ours in Oshkosh, I hear.)

Do you got a weird phobia or even the same problem?  Let me know.  I love to hear about silly stuff like this

Added Jan. 25th 2001

Jeff, I have a weird phobia too.  I am afraid of wearing bell bottom pants.  I am afraid if I wear them, and ride a bicycle, I'll get them caught in the sprocket and chain.    I haven't worn them since my mother put them on me in the 1970's.  That was only when she still dressed me.  I have avoided them since I could dress myself.   :)


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Last modified: December 4th, 2001