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February 2001 Newsletter

by Randy Dean

Well this was a slow month. That's ok though the break is nice. So on with the letter.

2-3-01 Marty's in New London

We did a surprise show in New London at Marty's.  For only having a 3 day notice that we were playing the turn out was fantastic.  I don't think we ever had so many drinks bought for us before.  Keep watching for another surprise show sometime before the end of summer.

2-16-01- Cimarron-Menasha

This was a great show.  We had a blast.  There was a lot of fans there. It's great to see our following get bigger and bigger... Thanks to all who came out. We had such a great time we even played Good times, Bad times by Led Zeppelin.

2-24-01-Ivory Coast-Clintonville

This was the first time we set up in the bar instead of the ballroom off from the bar. If you have ever been there you know what I am talking about. This was also a packed show. There was a group of women that were suppose to go meet some friends but they stayed all night.  So we where doing something right. Even though we where a little on the loud side.....

Riverz Edge would also like to thank Rod Calkins For running sound he did a great job. So thanks Rod.......

Well that is all for February. See ya in March.....

Send mail to Randy 

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Last modified: December 4th, 2001