Welcome to the first official "PILE OF EGGS" website................................Parma's Noise King has done it again!!!!!!!!!! .................

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Thanks for clicking onto the pile of eggs web page. I'd like to
take this time to give you some background info about whats going on in the world of steveggs...
For last few months iv been just taking it e-z, working alot at my
hooters job, and saving my money. now that i've got some money put aside. Its time put it to use...

con3_anm.gif (8260 bytes)

hackanm.gif (7546 bytes)THINGS I'M WORKING ON!!!!!

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perlred.gif (995 bytes)1.I have a egg scab radio catlog ready to come out. It has 45 tapes in it. Plus, new info about what im doing with my tape lable...  

perlred.gif (995 bytes)2.A new NUT SCREAMER demo is in the making. It will be a 60 min. comp. of nothing but rollercoster recordings...

perlred.gif (995 bytes)3.Im putting a video list together of all my videos.Plus, i'm putting a bootleg list out of all my audio live shows i've collected through out the years. Tons of old school death grind stuff...

perlred.gif (995 bytes)4.Im trying to get some shows booked with pile of eggs. Plus, have 4 or 5 differnt line ups of freaks that want to do some new tape recordings with me. It looks very interesting at this time...

perlred.gif (995 bytes)5.i have the blue print made of the re-birth of my old zine "THE SCABMAG"......It will be a 16 page zine with reviews of ALL kinds of muisc. Info on video traders,info on pressing plants, web page info, bootleg mania, and the cleveland band family tree.
It should turn out to be a nice little zine once I get moving on it. More info as it comes a long...

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Write to: STEVEGGS  3329 Torrington Ave.  Parma, Ohio 44134-2223

Peeright.gif (16444 bytes)HANDLE.JPG (10311 bytes)Peeleft.gif (16448 bytes)

Click the photo of steveggs to email him

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