Anushka asked  Pasha about her outfits during their meeting.
  © Photo by J. Barry Mittan
© Photo by J. Barry Mittan  
  © Photo by J. Barry Mittan
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Anushka: I asked Pasha during our meeting about her outfits...

and she explained to me that she goes and visits the high fashion houses and looks
around if she sees something she can use in her outfits. After getting some
ideas in these high fashion houses she takes them to her dress maker and
tells her what she wants as an outfit ( she gives her dress maker some
pointers about her outfit should look like).

I asked her specifically about her Memorial dress, because I had seen so
many of them that I wondered where she got the ideas for these outfits.

She told me she went to fashion houses, like Chanel and Versace and she saw the
cross idea at Versace. The cross was a part of the last clothing line of
Versace before he was assassinated. Pasha saw that cross idea and loved it
so much that she wanted to have it in her Memorial outfit.

I have seen five different Memorial outfits of which I can think of now and
I think most of them had a cross. :-)))