
posted by Richard on 16:43 10/12/1998

Accepting that there aren't plans at the moment, does not the commercial argument that the actors and actresses are becoming more famous and therefore a re-run would probably make you more advertiser money and the rights would surely cost you less with it being a second screening. Seems that you would win out of that situation.
Of course if you don't accept the commercial argument in the first place then my whole argument above is supremely pointless as is this whole post so I'll just resort to begging.
Please please please can you buy the rights again and re-run???????

Party of five - when is it back?
posted by a-nono-mouse on 20:38 23/12/1998

Do you have the rights to series 5 yet?

Any plans to show it?

Why did you delete my previous attempt to post this topic?

Re: Party of five - when is it back?
posted by Anonymouse on 14:15 27/12/1998

The above is definately not Anonymouse, I don't know why I am suddenly the subject of so much impersonation, I suppose I should be flattered??!!!

Bring back party of five

Is messiah worth watching then?

Re: Party of five - when is it back?
posted by Darren on 00:09 28/12/1998

Does repitition serve to strengthen understanding?
Messiah, watch out, Psy jo is not to be trifled with, you may get him angry and then he could MISSPELL something!!

The Messiah is definately worth watching, you turn your back for one minute and he gone and snuck out of cave when supposedly dead or something.

P.S: I throughly throw my support to getting Po5 back on our screens. I want to see it again very shortly.