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Spells, spells, spells. You cannot enter a pagan group without the topic of spells coming up at some point. Where do you find them? How do you make them? Do they work?


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Well for those that are interested in just how varied spells can be from path to path, we have included the following spells and links. Use them or giggle at them, its all up to you.

How To Prevent Unwanted Persons From Entering Your Home

How To Undo Or Prevent A Bewitchment Or A Hoodoo Spell

Invocation For Justice

Protective Charms Worn On The Person

Spell book Links

To Have Someone See Their Errors

To Make An Enemy Move


Invocation For Justice

Go at dawn to a place where three streams meet. When the Sun rises to the very top of the Hills, cup your hands and fill them with water from the point where the streams meet. Dip your face into your hands full of the water, and repeat the invocation:
I will wash my face in the nine rays of the sun
As Mary washed her child in the rich fermented
Black is yonder town, black are those within,
I am the white swan, queen above all.
I will travel in the name of God,
In likeness of deer,
In likeness of horse,
In the likeness serpent,
In likeness of king:
Stronger will it be with me
Than with all persons.
---Traditional Scottish verse
(pinched from "The Under World Initiation" by RJ Stewart)


To Have Someone See Their Errors 

This is a three times three spell to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.

Wind in the north, run through the trees

Three times three, let them see, let them see

Sands of the east, rich soils beneath

Three times three, set them free, set them free

Fires in the south, awaken from sleep

Three times three, let them see, let them see

Water of the west, flow to the seas

Three times three, set them free, set them free

It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail. The spell may not work instantaneously; you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways.


To Make An Enemy Move 

When the moon is in a waning phase, write on white parchment paper (or fine regular paper) the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date if known. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water. Visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away.


Abracadabra amulet - One of the most famous of all talismans, and used as a magical formula by the Gnostics in Rome for invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease, misfortune and death. Sammonicus, the celebrated Gnostic physician, instructed that the letters of this magical triangle which he used for curing agues and fevers, were to be written on paper, folded into the shape of a cross, worn for nine days suspended from the neck, and, before sunrise, cast behind the patient into a stream running eastward. It was also a most popular charm in the Middle Ages. During the Great Plague, 1665, great numbers of these amulets were worn as supposed safeguards against infection.
Abraxas amulet - The talisman is a gold signet ring with an engraved greenish-grey stone in a simple, heavy bezel. The carving represents Abraxas, a monster with the head of a rooster, the body of a man holding a shield and a whip, and two upturned snakes for legs and feet. Surrounding the Abraxas is an inscription in Greek, the letters reversed so that the ring may be used as a signet. Abraxas stones were commonly worn and highly esteemed in the Roman Empire about the time when Christianity was becoming established there. Much importance was attached to the word Abraxas, in the Greek notation making up the number 365, signifying 365 heavens, occupied by the 365 gods, who according to the Gnostic religion, formed the earth and ruled its destiny. The Abraxas, the curious device Jeo, or Jehovah of the Gnostics, has a fowl's head, signifying watchfulness and foresight; the shield, wisdom; whip, authority; two serpents, mystery, eternity, vitality. These rings were worn as talismans for protection against physical ills.
All-seeing eye - a symbol of a single human eye surrounded by radiating beams of light that protects against the evil eye
Anchor - usually fouled in a length of line, protects to ensure safe and happy travels and safe and happy returns
Angelica root - (also known as Holy Ghost Root, Archangel Root, and Dong Quai) is widely thought to be a powerful guardian and healer, and to provide strength to women. Angelica Root is used by many people for the purpose of warding off evil and bringing good luck in health and family matters.
Buckle of Isis - "The blood of Isis, the virtue of Isis, the magic power of Isis, the magic power of the Eye, are protecting this the Great One; they prevent any wrong being done to him." Thus reads a portion of the 186th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which was engraved, often with other invocations, on the Buckle of Isis amulets. Great faith was placed in the magic power of this buckle or tie. It was believed that the wearer would be protected and guarded from every kind of evil for ever and ever.
Cat's eye shell - each one the operculum or foot-closure of a sea-snail called a Turban Shell or Turbo -- are widely used in Europe and the Middle East for protection against the evil eye, no doubt because they themselves resemble eyes.
Corno (Italian horn) charm - the cornuto, corno, or cornicello is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. Corno means "horn" and cornicello means "little horn" -- these names refer to a long, gently twisted horn-shaped amulet worn in Italy to protect against the evil eye. Cornicelli are usually carved out of red coral or made of gold or silver. The type of horn they are intended to copy is not a curled-over sheep horn or goat horn but rather like the twisted horn of an African eland or something similar. Over the years they have become rather stylized and now look less like a natural animal horn than they once did. A regionally popular amulet, they are primarily found in Italy and in America among descendents of Italian immigrants. You can buy cornicelli at any Italian jewelry store in New York to this day.
Devil's shoestring roots - Devil's Shoestring is the common name for several plants that grow in North America. When found as an ingredient in mojo hands made by African-American hoodoo doctors, the name refers to various species of Viburnum, usually Viburnum alnifolium (alder-leafed viburnum or hobblebush), but sometimes the related species Viburnum opulus (cramp-bark) or Viburnum prunifolium (black haw). These plants are in the honeysuckle family and all of them grow in the woods. Devil's Shoestrings are used for protection, to "trip up the Devil" or "hobble" him so he can't get in a house. They are also carried for gambling luck and for job-getting. Some folks drive them into the ground around the front door or place a bundle of them above the door lintel or mantelpiece. In past days, it was not uncommon for folks to wear an ankle-bracelet made with nine pieces of Devil's Shoestring and a silver dime to prevent being "poisoned through the feet" by stepping in Goofer Dust.
Eye-in-hand amulet - The eye-in-hand is an old and still popular protection amulet for magical protection from the evil eye. Combining the imagery of Greek and Turkish blue all-seeing eye charms with the downward-facing Arab and Israeli hamsa hand, the eye-in-hand is a frequently encountered protective talisman in India and the southern Mediterranean region.
Eyes-all-over amulet - In Greece and Turkey, the most common form of protection charm is the blue glass eye charm, which "mirrors back" the blue of the evil eye and thus "confounds" it. Turks make beautiful blue blown glass charms in the all-seeing eye and eye-in-hand patterns, as well as in regionally-specific forms i call the horseshoe-and-eyes and eyes-all-over styles.
Hamsa hand amulet - The hamsa hand (Arabic) or hamesh hand (Hebrew) is an old and still popular amulet for magical protection from the envious or evil eye. The words hamsa and hamesh mean "five" and refer to the digits on the hand. An alternative Islamic name for this charm is the Hand of Fatima, in reference to the daughter of Mohammed. An alternative Jewish name for it is the Hand of Miriam, in reference to the sister of Moses and Aaron.
Mano cornuto amulet - The mano cornuto is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. Mano means "hand" and corno means "horn." The charm represents a hand gesture in which the index and little fingers are extended while the middle and ring fingers are curled into the palm. The reference is to the horned head of an animal. Whether made as a protective gesture or worn as an amulet, the mano cornuto is used for magical protection against the evil eye.
Mano fico amulet - The mano fico, also called figa, is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. Examples have been found from the Roman era, and it was also used by the Etruscans. Mano means "hand" and fico or figa means "fig," with the idiomatic slang connotation of a woman's genitals. (An English slang equivalent might as well be "pussy hand.") It represents a hand gesture in which the thumb is thrust between the curled index and middle fingers in obvious imitation of hetorsexual intercourse. Whether made as a protective gesture or worn as an amulet, the mano cornuto is used for magical protection against the evil eye.
Rabbit foot - In addition to being a well known symbol of good luck, the left hind rabbit is considered to be a powerful protective amulet against those that would “prey” upon you. For this to work properly you must trap the rabbit yourself (those dyed little trinkets are useless) and you must make a bag out of the skin and a meal of the rest of the rabbit for to waste the animal would be to invite all manner of ill spirits including a very upset Mother Nature. After your meal is over you bury the bones of the rabbit, giving thanks to your chosen deity for sending the rabbit your way as well as to the rabbit and the spirit of Rabbit and rub the foot while you are giving thanks.
Rattlesnake rattle - The rattler has a reputation for bravery because it warns its victim before it strikes. For this reason, the carrying of the rattle of the snake is a amulet of protection that serves to bring you warning of approaching dangers. Unlike rabbits feet, purchased rattles will protect you, but of course, hunting a snake (if you have the skills and interest to do so) will gain you a far more powerful talisman. Again, you must make a meal of the animal, bury its bones, and give thanks to your chosen deity for allowing you to harvest the snake, to the snake itself, and to the spirit of Rattlesnake.
Silver dimes (and other silver) - silver coins will protect you in money matters, other silver objest (including small silver charms you can buy practically anywhere) will protect you in the areas that the charm represents (such as a silver house charm to protect your home and family).
Skull - beads in the shape of a skull, worn singly or as a strand, are a form of reverse protection amulet that help to protect you against death and deadly peril.

If you put a horseshoe over your door with the point down, evil will never come under your door.
To keep evil out of the house, place a silver dime under the fireplace.
Keep onions in the house to keep evil out. Red pepper also works well against evil and bewitchment.
If you sprinkle black pepper and salt around your house, then sweep it up and burn it, it will keep your enemies away.
If you will put a pair of scissors under your pillow, open with the points to the head of the bed, no one can harm you or bewitch you. This works especially well if the scissors are made of silver. If you are nervous about scissors under your pillow because you are an active sleeper, then any piece of silver will work.
To keep your enemies out of your house, put a tablespoonful of vinegar and a tablespoonfuls of sulphur in a little can and keep that in the house, and they will never bother you. You can also burn salt and sulfur and then open the door afterwards. As the smoke is carried out, the evil your enemies have tried to bewitch you with will be forced away from you.

If someone comes and you don't want them to come back, put salt and black pepper on the carpet. When they leave, take a broom and sweep it out the door, and they will not come back.
If someone comes to your house and you think they are putting an evil spirit on you, just as soon as they leave, sprinkle salt all around the chair they were sitting on and put a little on the seat of the chair, and they can't do you any harm
If you don't want anyone to come back when they leave the house, throw some salt on their back.
If someone comes to your house and you don't trust them, as they leave throw a handful of salt after them and say, 'In the name of all that is sacred don't come back.' And they won't.
If someone come to your house you don't want them to come back, throw a handful of salt at them and say, 'In the name of all that is sacred move on' -- and they say they will never come back again.
If someone come to your house and you don't want them to come back, take salt and sulphur and mix good, and throw that on their back as they are leaving and they will not bother you again.
If someone comes to your house and you don't want them to come in, lay an old shoe in the door; and if she is a witch, they cannot step over the shoe.

If you are bewitched, boil a beef heart and while it is cooking, keep sticking it with a needle; the witch will have the same pains, and the spell upon you will be broken.
If someone bewitched you, put a piece of red flannel in hot water on the back of the stove and let it boil. The one that has a spell over you will come and ask for forgiveness.
If you think someone is doing you harm, get a two prong fork and go to a crossroad where they walk, and bury it [prongs up] so they will walk over it, using their name [abusing their name; cursing them] while you are burying it, and say, 'In the name of all that is sacred,' and they will swell up and just pop open and die.
If you think you are bewitched and can't sleep, take a little holy water and sprinkle it around the room three times and say, In the name of all that is sacred and you will be able to sleep better.
If you think someone is bewitching you, draw the picture of the one you think it is, and take that picture to the woods where the trees are very thick and nail the picture on a tree with a “dark heart”; and if you have the right one, the spell will be broken.
"If someone is bothering you and you don't want them to, you take a handful of salt and call their name and throw it over your right shoulder and they will not bother you.
If you think someone has a spell on you, put red pepper and salt in all four corners of the room. It will take the spell off.


Spell Links 

Cantrap  a good collection of beginners spells to give solitaires a reference for writing their own spells.

Spelwerx At Spelwerx, we offer unique and powerful magic spells and large amounts of free, valuable information for both new and experienced practitioners of Witchcraft, Wicca and the magickal arts. Encompassing all forms of magic spells, including: ancient, traditional, ceremonial magick, incantations, candle magick, conjurations and invocations--from new age to occult, we have something for every witch--from Neophyte to Adept.