Beige converted the Kinko pic to this wonderful Blood And Stone logo

SEAN GILMAN  Sean is the head of the WWPN Transfigurement Society, a small but growing group of costumers, effects artists, and other skilled folks who help people stand out in a crowd. In addition to his 3D artwork, Sean is also an avid 2D artist as most of our best known costumed creations were brought to life from his wonderful story boards.

This year Sean began work with an independent film company on the films "Shotgun Knights" and "Prank" and we hope to have more shots of his work soon.

Be sure to check out Sean's other fine contributions to WWPN.

Tired of paying custom prices for generic costumes? Check out SkullNBones for you custom costuming needs.Sean's unique talent for the strange and unusual is demonstrated at Skull N Bones Limited, his own costume and design company that also offers full make up effects services from the smallest party to the largest set. With credentials like Alice Cooper's Nightmare, Darkside's Revenge, WWPN, and his two recent film projects "Shotgun Knights" and "Prank" (both films as yet are unreleased, Knights is in post production, Prank is in preproduction) we expect to see another rising Pagan star on the horizon.

Autumn dark.jpg (25689 bytes)autumn lite.jpg (18621 bytes)In 2002, WorldWide Pagan Network began with its own creation team, referred to as Broom Closet Creations. Broom Closet's first venture was the presentation Of Autumn The Wood Nymph at the 2002 Phoenix Pagan Pride Day Festival.

The character of Autumn the Wood Nymph was a collaboration of the entire WWPN board. When the board was discussing our planned offerings for Pagan Pride Day, it was founder Beige Allen who suggested that we bring one or more of the board dressed in some form of costuming to entertain both children and adults. One of our members, jokingly she thought, suggested that she could be a wood nymph. Had it just been her and Beige that night, the idea might never have gone any farther, as it was, Beige, along with Nox and Seamus, began running through all the different obstacles to creating a costumed creation that would not give the actress wearing it heat stroke, and yet would stand out enough from all the other things to see at the festival.

The basic costume, a collaboration of Beige Allen and Nox Petrosky featured a wood grain patterned body suit, which was airbrushed by Sean "Seamus" Gilman, a blouse that appeared to be made from the leaves of the elephant ear plant, a forest patterned skirt designed to resemble a scarf that had been tossed aside in the forest and discovered by our nymph, and green tights to give her legs that "stemlike" appearance. The skirt and the blouse are the original creations of Nox Petrosky.

To this, Sean then airbrushed Autumn's skin to give it the same wood graining as the body suit has, and members added pieces of jewelry both from their personal collections as well as pieces designed by Beige Allen.

The entire costume was topped off by a few strands of imitation maple leaves in harvest colors and a gauzy set of autumnal colored fairy wings.

Beige as a gargoyle.As popular as Autumn was at the Pagan Pride Day Festival, we hoped that Broom Closet's next creations would prove to be even more noteworthy.

This year we had been creating a special idea in costuming for founder Beige Allen to wear at would have been her second year with Alice Cooper's Nightmare, a haunted attraction in Phoenix, Arizona. The costume was that of a gargoyle. It was designed to be used in the Catacombs chamber of Alice Cooper's Nightmare-The Breakdown.  Seamus as KinkoThe difficulty of using such an extreme face piece for a haunted house is that such facial prosthetics can be difficult to anchor. However, Seamus and Beige were able to redesign the standard method for mounting a facial prosthetic to make it not only more comfortable to wear, but the total time for daily application of all needed pieces for Beige's gargoyle took only 30 minutes per day.

Due to irreconcilable differences the staff of Breakdown, the Broom Closet creation team removed itself, including Sean, Beige, Nox, and Carnage from the team of Breakdown. We spent most of the rest of the month adding to the characters until the week of Halloween. We entered our creations in contests in both Phoenix and Vegas, and though we only did 4th place on during the best of them, (which netted no prize money but some recognition for WorldWide Pagan Network) our creations were well received. Thanks to Seamus and the rest of the WWPN Creations team for all their fine work in costuming this year. Along with Beige's gargoyle and Seamus' Kinko the Klown, Planetar and of course our Pagan Pride Day entertainer Autumn the Wood Nymph have made this our most colorful year yet. Here is hoping we keep seeing such fine creations from them all.

Here's our banner. You know what to do with it.