Here's our banner. You know what to do with it.

Pagan Legal Relief is a creation of WorldWide Pagan Network. Pagan Legal Relief will be organized to compile a searchable database of current and pending legislation that directly affect Pagans, whether positively or adverse. It will additionally include information about elected officials currently in office and candidates seeking election and their positions on the issues that are important to people within the Pagan community. When completed, this will be a resource that anyone concerned about their rights or who are simply curious about their freedoms in a particular area will be able to access and utilize in law suits and in their everyday lives.

This is just a sampling of the information that will be made available by the Pagan Laws Project. There are many other areas of law, issues, and research topics that are not included here, but which are by no means less important.

Activist's Legal

Child Custody References

Pagans In School
Parent's Legal Resources


Many blessings and thanks go out to all who have given so generously of their time, skills, and knowledge.