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I Ching

One of the oldest and most enduring systems of sortilege is the I-Ching (The Book Of Changes), which reportedly dates back as much as 7,000 years. Invention of the I Ching is attributed to Fu-Hsi, the first emperor of China. One legend tells of the I Ching being revealed to him in a vision that was of three line patterns imprinted on the side of a hippogriff. At first, these trigram patterns were used as references for patterns found in natural objects. Over the next several thousand years this was expanded to a set of sixty four hexagrams, six line patterns consisting of one trigram on top of another. It was at that point, almost 3,000 years ago, that King Wen, patriarch of the Chou dynasty, began the task of formalizing the system which was completed by his son, the Duke of Chou under the title Chou-I (Changes of Chou)

The system was rewritten several times in the following centuries. Famous Chinese philosopher, Kung-Fu-Tse (better known to Westerners as Confucius) made significant revisions almost 2,500 years ago and bestowed a great compliment upon the entire system by stating that he wished he could extend his life fifty years to devote further study to the I Ching. Kung-Fu-Tse's commentaries and those of later scholars were added to the basic texts until the Chou-I evolved into the Shih-I (Ten Wings). By 136 BCE The Book Of Changes had become such an important part of the Chinese culture that it was officially declared one of the government's "Five Classics," which formed their fundamental doctrines for  that society. In 213 BCE the short-lived but tyrannical Ch'in regime engaged in sweepingly repressive activities and many of the important cultural texts were burned. The I-Ching was among the works spared because by this time it was too firmly ingrained in the mass culture of the period for the government to dare attempt to destroy it.

The I Ching involves a set of sixty-four hexagram patterns. The querent (person the reading is for) decides on a topic: a specific question, or some situation or condition of his or her life that warrants investigation. One of the hexagrams is then designated by (most commonly) the three coins method.


1. Reflect and meditate on your question. Hold the question in your mind.

2. Throw the coins in the air, being mindful of the question.

3. Add up the total of the coins using 2 points for yin (heads) and 3 points for yang (tails).

4. Draw the first line (remember to start at the ground),

-----   Yang line

-- --   Yin line

Repeat steps 2-4 until all six lines have been drawn. First three lines are upper trigram, last three are lower trigram. Use the chart below to gain the definition for your hexagram. A hexagram is the composite of upper and lower trigram. Read the appropriate hexagram definition by clicking on the appropriate number in the table below:.





Ch'ien  Heaven. Indication: strength and creativity

Chen Thunder. Indication: movement and arousal

K'an Water. Indication: danger and bad conditions

Ken Mountain. Indication: stillness and resting

K'un Earth Indication: devotion and receptivity

Sun Wind and Wood. Indication: gentleness and penetration

Li Fire. Indication: light and clinging

Tui Lake. Indication: joy and happiness


01. Ch-ien This is a fully Yang indication, involving imaginative potential, applied with personal strength and bolstered by purposeful focus. Your diligence will be rewarded by successful solutions. Key word: Creativity


02. K'un Unified passivity can also have a positive application. The indication is of openness, having a capacity for accepting new ideas from valued sources, tied to a sense of responsibility toward duty and relationship. Key word: Receptivity


03. Chun There will be problems getting started toward accomplishing that for which you strive. This does not mean that you cannot move past those problems and achieve success. Proceed with conviction.  Key word: Overcoming


04. Meng This indicates a lack of experience, a need for further learning in order to develop the knowledge and skills to deal adequately with your situation. Through this study you will attain what you desire. Key word: Inexperience


05. Hsu Do not be too hasty; it is often necessary to wait before proceeding. Patience is required to deal with this circumstance, the proper moment will reveal itself if you are prepared to realize it. Key word: Waiting


06. Sung An indication of trouble and strife; disagreement and dispute. If possible, a situation that is to be avoided. At the very least, enter into it with careful attention. Key word: Conflict


07. Shih This state of affairs will benefit from the involvement of other people. Remember that there is often great power to be found in joint effort. To achieve this, mutual interests must be combined.  Key word: Grouping


08. Pi Similar to shih, but less in terms of group action and more in the nature of holding one's position by adding your resolve to the strength of others. Key word: Union


09. Hsiao-Ch'u There will be small impediments that slow your progress but do not prevent it. In fact, there is much to be learned from dealing with minor obstacles, and the result is likely to be much more positive. Key word: Hindrances


10. Lu This is a cautionary indication. Your current position may be worth reconsidering before trying to move onward. The proper attitude will guide you, but proceed delicately. Key word: Carefulness.


11. Tai This is a period of harmony. To attempt a major change is likely to cause disruption, it is a good time to allow things to take their course, knowing that there will be a natural flow of personal growth. Key word: Peace


12. P'i Progress has come to a standstill. There will be no further development without your active decision to push forward. Don't wait for outside help, you must depend on your own resources. Key word: Stagnation.


13. T'ung-Jen The key to the current situation will be found in your close relationships. Friendship will guide you form here, if you allow yourself to develop a team mentality. Key word: Fellowship


14. Ta-Yu The accumulation of material possessions will be of great significance in the development of this situation. This will not be a result of greed or selfishness, but rather a natural chain of events. Key word: Prosperity


15. Ch'ien There is value in humility, if you try applying a less aggressive attitude you are far more likely to advance. Your sincerity in interacting with others is the means by which you can achieve your goals. Key word: Modesty


16. Yu you are in a highly favorable circumstance, notable for its harmonious qualities. This is a particularly joyous time, you have already devoted worthwhile effort toward planning and preparation, and are now ready to proceed. Key word: Enthusiasm


17. Sui there are several options before you. success can be yours if you analyze the possibilities and choose the appropriate course of action. The example of others will be of particular value in guiding your decisions. Key word: Following


18. Ku Before you can continue onward you will have to fix that which has been allowed to go bad. Its time to acknowledge your personal responsibilities, and to work on organizing this situation before it overwhelms you. Key word: Repair


19. Lin There is tangible advancement toward your goal, you are on the right course, and if you continue to follow your instincts you will achieve what you have set out to reach. Key word: Approaching


20. Kuan This is a time to consider the details and ramifications of your progress up until this point. Only with such introspection will you understand the proper changes that must be considered in order to continue fortuitously. Key word: Contemplation


21. Shih-Ho There are obstacles before you that will require deliberate action. Your options are limited, in that it will be necessary to push forward and break through your problems rather than seeking an alternate route. Key word: Confrontation


22. Pi The solutions you seek are not as complicated as they may seem; upon examination, you will discover that simplicity is the best approach. Do not be deceived by confusing first impressions. Key word: Grace


23. Po You are caught in a potentially destructive situation; things are unlikely to go as you have planned. This is a good time to consider new approaches. Key word: Disruption


24. Fu Your recent problems are behind you; this is a time of renewal, and a chance to return to a positive situation. it is likely that an opportunity you thought was lost will again become available. Key word: Recovery


25. Wu-Wang You are in the middle of a natural chain of events. The results will not necessarily be what you expect, but there will be a favorable outcome if you allow yourself to flow with the changes as they come. Key word: Innocence


26. Ta-Ch'u Do not be overly eager, this is a time to move in small, carefully considered steps. If you take your time, you will reach your goal. Key word: Restraint


27. I Impulsive behavior could be your downfall. further study is required to build the skills you need to handle your progress. In acquiring knowledge you will gain power. Key word: Nourishment


28. Ta-Kuo you are burdened with responsibilities, and great exertion will be required to deal with them. At present, you may lack the necessary strength, but with perseverance you can push past your obligations. Key word: Effort


29. K'an you are currently in jeopardy; beware of the hidden problems that may suddenly present themselves. Stay on your guard, and be ready to act decisively. Key word: Danger


30. Li Only through your own honesty will you achieve the relationships that will ultimately help you reach your goals. In this situation, the truth is more important than momentary emotional reactions. Key word: Integrity


31. Hsien Your situation will flourish if you openly exchange ideas with others. Allow yourself to be influenced by the wise people around you, and give generously of your own advice. Key word: Sharing


32. Heng you are making progress and will continue to do so if you stick to your principles and do not change your policies. Be faithful to your ideas; you will triumph through endearing resolve. Key word: Constancy


33. Tun Sometimes it is necessary to pull back before moving forward. It's not always possible to maintain a direct path toward your objective. Keep your target in sight, but withdraw for a time and await the proper moment to continue. Key word: Retreat


34. Ta-Chuang You have amassed a significant amount of personal strength with which to accomplish your desired ends. It is important to be aware of the great responsibility that goes along with this. Key word: Power


35. Chin You are moving forward swiftly, with luck on your side. This is an opportune time for fulfilling existing projects as well as starting new ones. Key word: Progress


36. Ming-I This indicates a period of confusion and difficulty in communication. Misunderstanding leads to jealousy and dishonesty. It is a time to concentrate on clarity of thought and careful articulation of your ideas. Key word: Darkness


37. Chia-Jen this is not a time to try to go it alone. Add to your resources by engaging the cooperative involvement of those who are close to you. By extending yourself, you will grow and prosper. Key word: Family


38. K'uei There has been turmoil within your closest associations. It is a difficult time to find agreement of purpose; and the quality of your interactions must be made more harmonious before further advancement is possible. Key word: Opposition


39. Chien You are frustratingly close to your goals, but there are difficulties in your way. Great attention to detail will be demanded to effectively solve these problems without undoing your previous achievements. Key word: Obstruction


40. Hsieh Your recent problems are over. Do not dwell on these difficulties; instead, celebrate the new contingencies that are now available. It's time to push forward with confidence. Key word: Opportunity


41. Sun There are times when you must give more than you want to and place the needs of others in front of your own. the situation may seem unfair, but eventually the balance will tip in your favor. Key word: Sacrifice


42. I Your generosity is now rewarded, as formerly unyielding problems give way to compensation. your possessions, both physical and beyond, are rapidly increasing. Key word: Accumulation


43. Kuai Pressures are mounting, and inevitably they will reach a breaking point. you will need to strengthen your determination in order to contend with the coming complexities. Key word: Self-discipline


44. Kou In this period pay particular attention to one-on-one relationships. There is much to learn from personal interactions, but there is also the possibility of misguided influences. Some caution is recommended. Key word: Meeting


45. Ts'ui This is a time of bringing together diverse relationships, and putting the emphasis on the cooperative efforts of a group that has a unified intent. Be especially open to the input of those who have gone before you. Key word: Gathering


46. Sheng you are at the brink of success, and will soon flourish. your abilities will prove their worth. Your timing has been correct, and this positive sequence will continue as it should. Key word: Ascension


47. K'un There are pressing restrictions, and it has been exhausting just trying to hold your place. Your solitary struggle has made you consider giving up. However, this is a time for believing in yourself, the external situation will come around. Key word: Depression


48. Ching you have more options than you realize. Do not ignore the potential advantages around you. Reconsider your situation; it is likely that a solution is right in front of you. Key word: Resources


49. Ko This is a period of major changes that may prove to be confusing at first. It is essential that you keep the elements of your life organized, so that you can take advantage of new factors. Key word: Transformation


50. Ting the important aspects of your situation are evenly distributed. Conditions are favorable and stable; this can be a time of great security. Key word: Balance


51. Chen You are entering a period of inspiration. your desire to succeed will lead you to take advantage of your own abilities and to take ambitious action. Key word: Arousal


52. Ken This is a time to rest, gathering strength before moving onward. Desires must be put on hold. Allow the changes to occur around you, in their own natural rhythm. You will know when the moment is right for starting again. Key word: Stillness


53. Chien There is a slow progress happening, a gradual movement in a positive direction. Do not be impetuous; your passage will be steady and sure. Key word: Development

54. Kuei-Mei A tendency to go against social conventions may lead to misfortune. Do not let your emotions lead you astray; think things over carefully before impulsively heading off in the wrong direction. Key word: Caution

55. Feng The events of your life are running smoothly, providing fulfillment. If you can avoid the temptation of extravagance you will extend this period of plentiful success. Key word: Abundance


56. Lu This is a lonely time, and your direction seems unclear. If you act with care and gentleness toward others you will once again find your path. Until then, do not allow this situation to affect your emotional well being. Key word: Wandering


57. Sun There are people around you with valuable advice to give. Accept this with humility. Be receptive to outside influences, and let them carry you toward your goals. Key word: Submission


58. Tui Good fortune is yours; things will proceed just as you have hoped they would. This period of happiness is based on your own sincerity, a virtue that is apparent to those around you. Key word: Joy


59. Huan Divided attention leads to confusion and takes your mind away from the tasks at hand. take the effort to remain alert, and organize your duties so that you can refocus on what is truly important. Key word: Disorder


60. Chieh You are aware of your responsibilities, and exercise restraint in order to move forward. your sense of structure is keen. You are wise to be prudent, and thus maintain control over your circumstances. Key word: Regulation


61. Chung-Fu Moving into a position of leadership necessitates a lack of pretense and a commitment to sincerity. Through this, you will gain the trust of those around you, and they will work hard on your behalf. Key word: Truth


62. Hsiao-Kuo You accomplish small things with ease, but larger goals are as yet unattainable. Be honest in assessing your abilities; this is the first step toward more substantial achievements. Do not get caught up in the details at the expense of more important things. Key word: Distraction


63. Chi-Chi This is a successful period; you are flourishing. Enjoy your benefits, but do not take them for granted. This part of the journey is over; it is time to begin planning for the next endeavor. Key word: Completion


64. Wei-Chi the outcome is not yet determined. Do not be complacent, but push forward steadily. Accept the help of others, but do not depend on it. The results are in your hands. Key word: Incompletion


After reading the meaning of your designated hexagram, ponder its relevance to the original question. You will be fascinated to discover how often the deeper meaning quickly becomes evident, once your subconscious has been stimulated by these simple statements.