GREENGRASS HIGHTIDES Known to me only by her voice and her chatname, Greengrass is one of the most helpful artists to ever have worked with WWPN. The new matching Out Of The Broom Closet and WorldWide Pagan Network logos are some of Greens Graphics work.

Her site, Green's Things is one of the best collections of Screensavers, themes, wavs, and WinAmp skins. As a practicing Pagan, most of her themes are very appealing to a wide variety of paths.

Click here to see Green's Fine WorkBesides being a Theme maker, she is a Wife (her husband is Mohawk, she is 1/4 Blackfoot and both have been WWPN members since the start), a Mother to 4 Boys (21, 14,11,9 the 3 youngest are stepsons), She gave up 20 years of the Nursing Profession to drive Semi (18 wheels) and is now semi-retired and enjoying making Themes and Screensavers. She was in the Army for 7 years as a 91C long course (Nurse). Honorable Discharge with a 30% Disabled Veteran Status, had a lucrative past of modeling, and 2 record albums (all as part time to nursing) in a band called Leather N Lace (you will find a few themes done to her music).

She is also a 3 time Cancer survivor.

Green's hobbies are "Hanging out with my Husband, Riding Motorcycle, Making Themes, Playing with my Boys, Cooking, Sewing, Singing & playing Cello and Bass, and Gardening."

Thanks Green for all your fine work for us.

Visit Greengrass's Desktop Themes

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